I am planning to use front accounting in a retail environment.

As such, I would need to be able to have the possibility, when a client wants to pay cash,
to input the amount he has given me, and have it display the amount due.

For example,
the total of the invoice is 54,33$
The client hands be 60$
and I owe him 5.67$

Is there such an option in FA,
or will I have to always calculate it manually ?

Thanks it worked great

It would be very useful,

for retail businesses,
to have the possibility to disable the customer branch requirement.

I would alo like to be updated if there is a possibility to remove the branching for customers. I also work in retail, and there is no need for suchfeature, turning it off would be very useful.


thanks for the reply.

Yes I have already thought about hacking it that way,
however the issue is that in order to have accurate rates.
the value of the second tax would need to be 14.975 %,
and front accounting keeps rounding it up to 15 %.

one way or an other,
I would need to have to change the code somewhere,
but I have no clue where.

Any other suggestion is welcome wink

- Cheers.


I would need to know which script needs to be modified
in order to change the way taxes are applies to an item.

In QC, Canada, the way taxes are applied is:

(Gross value of the product * 1.05) * 1.095

one tax is applied on the top of the other.
Which means that a on product that costs 50 $
you'll have to pay 2.58 for one tax (TPS) and 5.14 (TVQ) for the other.
The total would then be 59.27.

The way Front accounting calculates it is based on the gross value only
so the total is 57.25 instead of 59.27.

Let me know where this can be changed.
Thanks !


(22 replies, posted in Installation)

I was directed here after reading https://frontaccounting.com/punbb/viewtopic.php?id=1567

Concerning the FA setups done under WAMP server package architecture,
make sure to modify both php.ini files.

One is located in
the other is in
I noticed that modfying just the first one doesn't do much.
I haven't tried modifying only the second one.

In any case, make sure that every php.ini you are using has
the following setting:
in stead of

In other words:
MAKE SURE TO UNCOMMENT ;extension=php_openssl.dll

- Cheers


(1 replies, posted in Installation)

After tinkering with the Wamp package I finally found out that the front accounting folder had to be placed in the www subfolder, not directly inside the WAMP installation folder.

so it goes something like c:/wamp/www/accounting/
then in the web browser I got access to localhost/accounting/


(1 replies, posted in Installation)


I am pretty much new to SQL, and PHP
but I have managed to get a local server running.

However, I have no clue whatsoever, where I should enter the address of the front accounting folder,
in order to run the wizard, as suggested in the step 2 of the installation procedure.