i would like to know
all the customer should have GL account or no ?
1 04/08/2012 08:10:35 am
Re: Account recievable (2 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)
2 04/08/2012 08:09:03 am
Re: Account recievable (2 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)
when i create the invoice , the customer balance is ok ,
but when i go to customer payment and the amount customer pay , after that i shows in My bank account is money available in case it should be not be in the bank , because the customer is has to pay and the bank or cash also should be credited ,
i will be thanking you if some one has seen or to solve the problem
3 04/08/2012 07:55:15 am
Topic: Account recievable (2 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)
when i create the invoice , the customer balance is ok ,
but when i go to customer payment and the amount customer pay , after that i shows in My bank account is money available in case it should be not be in the bank , because the customer is has to pay and the bank or cash also should be credited ,
i will be thanking you if some one has seen or to solve the problem