Hi Francesco ,
Did you finish your work ? Can you please share with us Romanian po?
Thank you

Hello dears ,
Is there any option to set up empty/blank values in Purchases-> Direct GRN -> Quantity and Price before Tax fields?
I tried in Setup->Display Setup->Prices = "" & Quantities =""...nothing change...the system still place a 1 in Qty field and 0 in Price before tax.

I need this due to fact that salesmen are using tablets and they are complaining that is not easy to delete or overwrite this "default" values.

Thank you for your help!


(2 replies, posted in Dimensions)

Solved :

System and GL Setup -> GRN Clearing account -> No posting on GRN



(2 replies, posted in Dimensions)

Hello dears ,
I made following set up :
Theme installed : exclusive
1 Dimension : 2 categories - Material and Man-Hours
2 items : - Server HPxx assigned to dimension Material
               - Tehnician labour assigned to dimension Man-Hours

Let's suppose that I need to buy 1 server of 1000 euro . so I'm doing following steps :
-Direct GRN
-Entry purchase invoice for this receival
-Entry supplier payment for this invoice

After all 3 steps completed , the amount posted in Dimension is 2000 euro (doubled)
In Dimension inquiry I'm seeing that 1000 Euro are posted against GL acc. 1510 - Inventory
and 1000 euro more on GL acc. 1550 Goods received Clearing acc.
On the other side the Bank account is credited with only 1000 Euro (which is perfect)

I know that you're not offering accountancy support , but this drive me crazy. Why FA is doubling the values in Dimension ?

Am I doing something worng? How can I handle this ?

Thank you for your help !


(4 replies, posted in Dimensions)

it works..as you said , in render.php i changed "..ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT 10" with "..ORDER BY total ASC LIMIT 10"
thank you very much Joe


(4 replies, posted in Dimensions)

Hello dears,
I use exclusive theme due to  top 10 bar charts . I also use 1 dimension feature to book various costs . Is there any option to sort descending top 10 for dimensions module ? (costs are negative)

Thank you

Hello dears ,
I'm facing following issue ...after a lot of payments for goods received into different locations i use to trace these payments using "Purchase order inquiry" report of Purchases module. Report would be perfect if would state the total sum of payments (SUM of "ORDER TOTAL" column). Is there any option to see the whole sum of payments at the end of the report ?
Thank you !


(3 replies, posted in Setup)

I partially solved the issue . It was because of some incorect INSERT statement .
in file ro_RO-general.sql at :

Line 1641
Incorect :
INSERT INTO `1_fiscal_year` VALUES
('1', '2012-01-01', '2012-12-31', '0'),

Correct :
INSERT INTO `1_fiscal_year` VALUES
('1', '2012-01-01', '2012-12-31', '0');

Line 2157
Incorect :
INSERT INTO `1_sales_types` VALUES
('1', 'Regular', '1', '1', '0'),

Correct :
INSERT INTO `1_sales_types` VALUES
('1', 'Regular', '1', '1', '0');

Line 2273
INSERT INTO `1_stock_category` VALUES
Delete it or ###

If it is corect what I've said , please write again ro_RO-general.sql

Thank you


(3 replies, posted in Setup)

I forgot to mention..installing FA with standard american COA works great.


(3 replies, posted in Setup)

Hello dears ,
Despite the fact that first step of installing FA was green (everything that FA requires is installed on hosting) , when I tried to install a company based on Romanian chart of accounts , I have errors with table 1_gl_trans .

First error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `1_gl_trans`' at line 6

As long as this table doesn't exist , I skipped it by ### sql ### . After this, save..continue..and encountered second error

Second : SQL script execution failed in line 1641: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'CREATE TABLE `1_gl_trans` ( `counter` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `type` sm' at line 8

Do you have any advice ?
Thank you

Hi Jose ,
Did you find a solution ?
I was thinking that Contract method would solve your problem. You release a quotation to your customer.If it is accepted, it is transformed in Contract . The BOM of contract will contain man-hr , cement -kg , paint - l ..and so on. With each day working against contract , you'll post your consumption (today we use 80 man-hr (category A) + 1000 kg X cement +..)
All these will deplete your stock . At the end of contract you'll be able to see your price variation together with what you estimate vs what you spent..and so on.
Maybe you'll think that a routing of your BOM shall consume man-hr..but I use this trick  to add man-hr to BOM and buy them from workers(suppliers)
Unfortunately , I'm facing same issue . I cannot find a way to set up contract..and also to run MRP against production orders or contracts.

If you already solved this , please let me know ur sollution!