(2 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

could any one help me please ????


(2 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Dear Sir

please i need your help

in purchasing orders i need 2 things

1st thing is to edit the files to allow the purchaseing taxes to be excuded from the total amount like

i purchased some thing with total amount 300 USD and it require 0.5% Tax so it should be 300 - 1.5 = 298.5 but the program adding them to be 301.5 and its wrong

2nd i need to apply that purchaseing tax only to the orders which are over than 300 USD like i need to use this code

if (total amount >= 300)
   apply the tax
  don`t apply

how can i make them and which files should i edit

thank you .....


(0 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

hello every 1

i`m a new php coder and i`m asking about the differance between that pure php codes and tags and the language that FA written with

if it a framework could you please tell me where can found the matrials of it and how can i devolop it anyway

thanks alot


(1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

hello sir

after installing requestation module i faced this problem

DATABASE ERROR : could not get all requisition_details
error code : 1146
error message : Table 'tkntbhgc_fron411.fl_requisition_details' doesn't exist
sql that failed was : SELECT * FROM fl_item_codes ic INNER JOIN fl_requisition_details rd ON ic.item_code = rd.item_code INNER JOIN fl_requisitions r ON rd.requisition_id = r.requisition_id LEFT JOIN fl_suppliers s ON rd.supplier_id = s.supplier_id WHERE (r.completed = 1) AND (rd.lpo_id = 0) ORDER BY r.requisition_id
