- Banking and General Ledger >> Transactions >> Journal Entry: when entering a Debit amount (say 10,000 for account 1400), the Credit cell keeps filling automatically with "0.00". Then, when pressing "Add Item" line, we receive an error message: "You must enter either a debit amount or a credit amount."
I figured out that either Debit or Credit cells must be empty. Shouldn't the "0.00" value be considered the same way? Otherwise it's annoying to keep setting the unused Debit or Credt cell to blank.


Alex Saavedra

- I added a new fiscal year: Setup >> Company setup >> Fiscal Years: 01/01/2008 - 12/31/2008
- I wanted to setup this year as the current one: Setup >> Company setup >> Company setup >> Fiscal Year >> 01/01/2008-12/31/2008 (Active
- Then I receive the following error:

DATABASE ERROR : The company setup could not be updated
error code : 1054
error message : Unknown column 'no_item_list' in 'field list'
sql that failed was : UPDATE 0_company SET coy_name='Training Inc.', coy_no = '123123123', gst_no='987654321', tax_prd=1, tax_last=1, postal_address ='N/A', phone='202-122320', fax='202-18889123', email='delta@delta.com', coy_logo='logo_frontaccounting.jpg', domicile='DownTown', use_dimension=1, no_item_list=0, no_customer_list=0, no_supplier_list=0, custom1_name='', custom2_name='', custom3_name='', custom1_value='', custom2_value='', custom3_value='', curr_default='USD', f_year=6 WHERE coy_code=1


I've noticed that when I create a new company not all tables are being populated. Specifically, I've modified the INSERT for feeding chart_class table.

The following _won't work_ and all remaining INSERT won't execute:

INSERT INTO `1_chart_class` (`cid`, `class_name`, `balance_sheet`) VALUES
(5, 'Gross', 0),
(2, 'Liabilities', 1),
(1, 'Assets', 1),
(4, 'Costs', 0);

The following _will_ work:

INSERT INTO `1_chart_class` (`cid`, `class_name`, `balance_sheet`) VALUES (5, 'Gross', 0);
INSERT INTO `1_chart_class` (`cid`, `class_name`, `balance_sheet`) VALUES (2, 'Liabilities', 1);
INSERT INTO `1_chart_class` (`cid`, `class_name`, `balance_sheet`) VALUES (1, 'Assets', 1);
INSERT INTO `1_chart_class` (`cid`, `class_name`, `balance_sheet`) VALUES (4, 'Costs', 0);

Is this a parsing issue? Is it because FA expect a whole INSERT clause per line? Many SQL backup scripts will generate INSERT clauses in multiple lines.


Alex Saavedra


I am evaluating this platform. In order to migrate from an existing GL system I increased the 'account' field from '0_gl_trans' from 11 to 20 characters.

I suggest to make it so in the default configuration.

I also noticed that some tables are MyISAM, others are InnoDB. I suggest forcing all of them to be InnoDB.

