I have activated the 'Fixed Assets' extension. But the links are grid out in the Items and Inventory page. Do I need to set any permission to use this. I am using the Admin account. Please help..


Thanks Joe. I will check the developer API.

Wish u a very Happy Christmas... smile


Hi Joe,

Thanks for the reply. Actually I want to customize the term 'dimension' and to generate the values for 'Units' in that place. So in my case the transaction is based on a Project which comes under a Customer. So the Relation will come like this:

So I need to list the Projects instead of Branches. Whenever user selects the type as 'Customer', Projects will be listed in the place of 'Branch' and when user selects the Project, Unit list need to show in the place where Dimension is shown now. I have gone through the Wiki but couldn't find much information in Development part sad



I am trying to change the value of dimension in the items automatically whenever user selects different branches from the drop-down. Is there any developer documentation to refer this. Can anybody help me on this...


Thanks Joe smile

Thanks Joe for the clarification smile

So I understand that we need to add a bank account for transactions related to cash and set the sub group as 'Cash Account' rite.

Hi all,

How can I change the currency type for a bank account. This field is read-only when I tried to edit the bank account. I have changed the currency of the Company, but it doesn't change the currency type for bank accounts. Do I need to set the type anywhere else. Please advice me..

Hi all,

I am novice to this application. Is there any place to configure the Voucher types and add extra type if needed. Basically I need to create 4 types of vouchers for my organization, Payment and Receipt Voucher for Bank and Cash respectively.