I was really looking for something simpler, but thanks

We have to use a bespoke system to generate our sales invoices because there are some things unique to our business, but at the moment we are manually keying these into FrontAccounting.

As far as I can see a Direct Invoice in Front Accounting inserts/updates 10 tables, and I was rather hoping someone might have already done something for importing a large batch of Sales Invoices into FrontAccounting.

Any assistance gratefully received

juju wrote:

I've added two intervals aged customer transactions in report 102, all goes well

Thanks for sharing with me

Is this something you can share? I also need such a report.


Thanks Joe,

I didn't realize that there was a suitable extension for 2.3.7

I've imported a small number of customers into debtors_master that were created on our FrontAccounting Test database, using Insert Into from the table on the test database into the table on the live database.

However when I come to maintain the customers none of them are listed in the combo selection box. This is also true of new customers I've added through Front Accounting subsequently. Is there something else I should have updated?

In fact none of the imported customers are selectable through any combo box anywhere in the Sales module.

Any thoughts gratefully received