Yes, this is a problem. Here is conflict between two meanings of ampersand. First it is used to quote special chars in database, second it can be used as hotkey prefix. At first glance I think we could remove the access_string call in pager_link function without harm, but I'm not sure now. Please report this issue on mantis to be fixed asap.



(40 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

This is not solution to the problem reported. When in FA only one currency is used, no exchange rate check should be done. If the error mentioned is raised it means that database is not consistent regarding currency references, or there is some very ugly bug in FA not squeezed so far.

The proposed sql change can result in retrieval of outdated exchange rate without any warning e.g. when ECB page is not available.



(2 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Well, I'm not sure about the right order. The optimal choice probably depends on logic used to assign code to item.

Regarding 'K' flag I have to say you are very watchful observer smile. It is some very old relict. It seems to be used as mark for item kits, but currently we have this implemented in another way. To be cleaned up.



(4 replies, posted in Translations)

If ISO-8859-1 contains all needed chars you can prefer using it, as UTF-8 report generation is much more memory hungry.


(4 replies, posted in Translations)

This is declared on Install/Update Language page, and put in lang/ file.


Thank you very much in advance jackel



(59 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

I think so, write method is the right one to store item_cart content to database smile.
BTW htmlspecialchars_decode is PHP5 only function, so we use html_entity_decode instead to support PHP4. I forgot details why in db_escape()  htmlspecialchars is used and not htmlentities, but this works right.



(59 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

No, Tom. We have decided to use encoded strings everywhere to prevent injection problems, so it will not be changed. Please follow this convention - this is thoroughly tested concept. The strings have to be decoded only when they are got from database and are to be written again by any db layer function (I mean the functions in */includes/db/* files).

You will find an example of rewriting documents stored in database in function write in items_cart.php (html_entity_decode calls).



(59 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Before storing into database the text fields are escaped in db_escape() function. This is to avoid SQL injection problems. But if the db_escape() is used twice you end with broken text because '"' is escaped to &amper;"', so before storing data it should be htmlspecialchars_decode()'d.



(6 replies, posted in Installation)

You can send invoice by email manually from the report module.
Also when you set $loc_notification  to 1 in config.php emails are sent to respective inventory location about low level of ordered items during new sales order entry.
That's all.


(59 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Sounds promissing Tom smile. What was the problem with taxes you have noticed above?


(7 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

As far as I understand the mechanism user can set individual price for any batch of received items. Currently there is no support in FA for inventory stock control on batch level, so this feature cannot be implemented as for now, I'm affraid.



(7 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

We have implemented automatic price calculations based on selected price list.
Could you explain what do you mean by calculation of th receiving and selling price?


(40 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Please check under phpmyadmin if your debtors_master records have the same currency code as set in company record. If it is the case I have no other idea what can lead to this message. The only thing I can propose is to send me backup file to install and track the problem locally on my site.
I guess the problem is result of some manual interference into database content, which can have a lot of side effects. Is this the case?



(26 replies, posted in Setup)

Ok, no problem. That was long, weary day for me, so take it easy wink.


(5 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

In sales_kits.php line 87 should be kit_code instead of item_code. Fixed in main CVS.


(26 replies, posted in Setup)

tom wrote:

I think he was referring to using Google to find articles on how to get sendmail working with php.

Exactly. I do my best to fix all bugs found ASAP, but I'm not responsible for configuration of FA user's site.

Attila wrote:

Im afraid its YOU kind Sir

I have fixed the problem, I have pushed the solution to CVS and I have explained how to fix it manually. The fix was made available also with latest FA release. What could I do more to satisfy you Sir?



(5 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Yes, it is. To be fixed in CVS ASAP.
Thanks Tom.


(40 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

You can run this code in SQL window in phpmyadmin once and all customer records should be updated to your home currency. Keep in mind  this code is actual for database using '0_' prefix for tables. If you have another prefix you should fix this.
Do not forget to make the database backup before using it.

You can also put the statement in some file file with '.sql' extension under
company/0/backup directory and restore it via Backup & Restore page.


I'm not sure. Anyway you can check what you have installed via phpinfo(); call.
Gettext on debian works like a charm, but I'm not sure about the emulation. I not use it.

BTW. Please ask your boss to consider Joost's request. Maybe he/she using FA would like to support back this way our community?



(40 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

UPDATE 0_debtors_master, 0_company SET 0_debtors_master.curr_code=0_company.curr_default;

After this _all_ your clients will be updated with home  currency. You have been warned.



(38 replies, posted in Wish List)


I personally don't like java, and therefore I do not know it well so I cannot help on POSper side. The lack of web API in FrontAccounting is big issue, but I do not want to waste time for implementing API which later have to be completely rewritten. If there is someone who can do the work on POS side, I am open for any discussion and cooperation.

There is a couple protocols which can be used to data exchange here. I have done some startup work to implement Hessian API services for FA. The protocol developed by Caucho (resin server authors) has many advantages, and there is at least two free implementations of java libraries which can be integrated on java POS side. I think it would be good choice for the case. But if POSper has some web API already implemented, we can also try to make some connector for using it.

Anyway there is no chance to integrate FA with any third party POS without help of some coder knowing details of this POS implementation. It's not me.



(40 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Hello guys

As I said before, I see no other reason of the problem beside database inconsistency. I have done some tests creating company & customers  using currency not noted by ECB and all works right when your customers use only home currency. I cannot help no more unless you send me your minimal database dump, and problem can be confirmed on my local installation.



I use FrontAccounting on Debian linux server with polish translation using system gettext libraries, and have no problems with translation. What is your distro? Have you got gettext installed, or php emulation is used?



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