Ya it is a bit of a problem, we have sales locations in 3 countries with there own tax numbers...

I have 3 Customers, 3 Customer Branches, 3 Sales GL accounts, 3 Cash on Hand GL accounts, 3 cash accounts respectively,  and when I make a Direct Invoice sale to each one of these customers I should get a post in each one of the Cash on Hand GL accounts, but I don't, I get all 3 posts in the same Cash on Hand GL account?

All other posts to GL look ok


When you make a sale from an Inventory location that location's name, address, phone, and tax number etc. should print on that Invoice?

Not every sale location will have the same tax number.


In Direct Invoice when I change the Customer: and Branch:, the Deliver from Location: and Cash account: doesn't change



(4 replies, posted in Wish List)

We need a filter by supplier for stock check sheets?



(6 replies, posted in Wish List)

I also think that having the ability to Save/Close a PO and be able to come back to it and edit or add to it before processing it would be a big plus


(2 replies, posted in Reporting)

roblaus wrote:

Not inventory locations? That's what the system does and this is correct IMHO

No, Not inventory Locations, that is  another story... Inventory Locations are just that, but some Inventory Locations are sales Locations or POS locations, all POS locations should have there own address, phone number, and tax ID for use on receipts and invoices,  but we will deal with that later.

When you make a PO, your order sometimes may have to go to a freight forwarder or other shipping company, before it get sent to an Inventory Location.  So in some cases you need at least two delivery addresses on the PO, the forwarded, and the final inventory location.

right now, you must plug in  delivery address every time you make a PO, with some suppliers this address never changes.  but in some cases it would.  It would be nice to store more then one address for this use...



(2 replies, posted in Reporting)

How can a store the delivery address or addresses in the system for use with PO's

Nope it still don't work, 

Sales Order Entry, it adds Items no problem,  quantity or no quantity, Allow Negative Inventory:, checked or un-checked

Direct Invoice gives warning for all items unless you check Allow Negative Inventory:



In post 19, item 4, you must also change all other pos to other locations (da)  do this before you go and delete locations,

I think this is were the problem was, but works now... on my local that is,  I still get the error no my hosted, same db file, same scripts?

May there is some server side cache or something, I will try later... ok, maybe some browser cache, but all is good, I think this error is gone for good.

Alvin smile and smile

Almost always a supplier will have their own item codes, and an item description.  Our Item Name, would be very similar if not the same as supplier description,

Item codes sometimes get complicated and are difficult to read without Item Name showing in lists and reports.


There are no sales orders in the the system,   `0_sales_orders`MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows).

alvin wrote:

In (Item Adjustments Note), proper Location, and proper Item, shows Quantity 0

Janusz wrote:

You mean the status displayed via item code link after entry?

displayed after selecting location, and item, in Adjustment Items

I got something funny going on here, sys set (Allow Negative Inventory: un-checked),

When I go to Direct Invoice and enter an Item I get error message: The delivery cannot be processed because there is an insufficient quantity for item: xx - Quantity On Hand = 0,  The (Stock Check Sheet) shows we have quantity of Item.  (Inventory Item Status), shows we have it.  In (Item Adjustments Note), proper Location, and proper Item, shows Quantity 0

When I go to (New Sales Order Entry) it adds Items no problem,  quantity or no quantity.

no, that did not do it, still got the error


(13 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Not sure, I see no hot key?   At the top of the list, yes, but if the Item you are on is at the bottom of this long list, you have to scroll to the top to get to it? It does not default to the top position. I guess you could do a shift-tab and a delete, that would it,  but hey them hot keys are cool!!


In Print Purchase Order, when you print the PO the (Item Description) is missing, should be (Item Description) from (Purchase Order Entry) and there needs to be a line between Quantity and Unit.  But (Item Code) shows (Supplier's Code or Description:), and looks good.

In  View Purchase Order, the (Item Description) shows (Supplier's Code or Description:) it should show (Item Description) from (Purchase Order Entry), much easer to identify Items, or the name changed to (Supplier's Code) and a new column added (Item Description)



(13 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

At Items, it would be nice to get a (Add New Item) button at the bottom next to the (Update Item) and (Delete this Item) button, after you add a new item.

Save a mouse and a finger


More on this Purchase Order System,

A location manager will do a report of Inventory Status, ether be cause he is required to, (daily, weekly, etc), or he is out of stock on an item and he wants to get more.

This Inventory Status Report would show all Items at that location with a Reorder Level (greater then) Quantity, filtered by supplier or not.  This report will tell him that he needs to do a PO or not.  If a Purchase Order is needed, for that location, then he would print a Stock Check Sheet for that supplier or suppliers and send it out on the floor for stock check, when he gets it back and makes the necessary corrections to the system, he will then initiate a PO, the PO system would check stock at other locations and give you the option to move stock items or order from supplier.

and more...


So I see, part bug part feature.  When you enter an Item in the system you get a 0-Quantity and 0-Reorder Level at all locations.  But maybe if when you entered an Item you had check boxes for the locations that you wanted that Item to be at, then you would use this to show only Items for that location Stock Check Sheet, and not on others.  Some locations will stock Items that other locations will not.

You would also use this information in the purchase order system.

So how can I delete default location and not get this error?

When you filter your Stock Check Sheets, by location, the sheet does not show Items with a 0 Quantity.  This will not work, as stock check needs to be done for those items as well.

They all show with no filter, but this is no good for just one location,  Also if there is not a way to flag some Stock Items as inactive, there should be, I have not checked, the items you don't sell anymore.

Purchase Order Entry for 2.2  What I think anyway...

When you go to Purchase Order Entry and select a supplier the system should automatically query the records for that supplier and return all the Order Items for that supplier that have a  reorder amount greater then stock amount, as well it should also enter a preset order amount, for these items, for that supplier.  You would edit and process from there.

There are other issues like when you have the same item that you can get from 2 or 3 suppliers,  multiple quantity price breaks, etc.  You could build an entire module around the Purchase Order, but I think the above would take care of most.


I am not sure, the file producing the error is a new file. I have a db file that produces the error (new) and one the does not (old), I did a text diff on them

this is non error diff

for table `0_chart_master`
`tax_code` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

for table `0_company`
`custom0_name` varchar(60) NOT NULL default '',
  `custom0_value` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',

I tried to get the non error file to produce the error, but could not.  I tried to get the error file to not produce the error but could not.

I tried everything I could, the results are the same using script 2.1 and 2.2

Maybe I could send you the db files and you could play with them?

Let me know, thanks


OK so I see, currency rate must be set manually for the currency in use for that day.

There should be a way to turn this on or off so sales help are not getting this message?