
(13 replies, posted in Installation)

Remove config.php from your main FA directory and retry install.


(3 replies, posted in Setup)

Make backup of all your company databases.
Read update.htmland follow instructions.
Go to Software Upgrade and run it.


No, it is not possible to include per item location on sales order. If having one sales order for all the items with separated delivery notes is not enough for you, you have to entry separated sales orders one for every location.
In most cases above scenarios are enough, so we will not clutter the sales order interface with additional input fields.



(4 replies, posted in Reporting)

I don't know what is the problem with this WAMP version -should work in both modes. Nice to hear it works normally after the upgrade.

. Enter sales order for item1, item2 and item3
. Make 3 deliveries from the 3 locations using Delivery Against Sales Order page.
. On Invoice Against Sales Delivery page select all three deliveries and press Batch button.
. Finish sales invoice.

That's all.


You can send the code to contributions mail box (you will find eml address on site Contact page).

Yes, but you have to enter one delivery note per location. Then you can issue batch invoice for all the deliveries.


(4 replies, posted in Reporting)

Try switching javascript temporarily off in your browser before selecting report print, or switch error logging on in config.php.This should unhide eventual error messages if any.


Payments are allocated to invoices, not sales orders, so first you have to register payment with Customer Payments. Then, when final sales invoice for this SO is issued you have to allocate this payment against the invoice.


To be understood right: the line price in purchase order currently is considered as excluding tax, but the taxes are always calculated during purchasing. Anyway I agree it would be nice to have possibility to select whether the purchase price include tax or not.


Personally I do not like XML, and consider it as result of typical rotten compromise. Certainly it has some advantages, although I see much better data exchange formats as  candidates for FA API. 

Anyway (providing we have enough time to start API implementation in FA) we should leave aside personal preferences and select some open protocol best fitted to other software which can be used as  data source. What protocol is used for external data exchange in  MSI/ERP software your company use? Does it have some communication API, or the only way of cooperation with external processes is via data export to files as you have described?

If you can send me the code of interface you have implemented, I would be glad. You will find our address for code contributions on site Contact page.



(1 replies, posted in Manufactoring)

No, currently there is no such linking,although it seems to be good idea. Please add this to wishlist in development section of FA Wiki.


Yes, of course we are interested. Please send the code to the address found on Contact page, or directly to me or Joe. Please consider also joining developers mailing list  smile.

There is no deadline for 2.3 established yet. This will not happen in near days or weeks. I think the real time for finishing all planned improvements and freezing the database scheme is in some 2-3 months. Unless in meantime we decide to include any more complex and long awaiting wish wink.


(5 replies, posted in Installation)

Company 0 is special company in only one aspect: administrators of this company are considered as site admins. It means that only admin of company 0 can perform system upgrade, and he is responsible for successful finishing of the process, or restoring databases after failure. This is why all backup files are stored under company/0.


Go to Items manager and set 'Editable description' option for every item you want.

Keep in mind unstable CVS contains really unstable code, so no guarantee regarding db structure. This can change multiply times before 2.3RC. You can use it in production if you want, but keep in mind you can have troubles with semi-manual db structure upgrades needed in meantime. Also the code is not tested well against new bugs.



(5 replies, posted in Installation)

I will check and fix the problem with version upgrade.
Forced upgrade is in fact last resort as it ignores some more important errors during update.
System upgrade should never be done without preliminary backup,
but for any case FA makes security backup file anyway before performing db upgrade (see in company/x/backup directory  - you should have here backup file made before exact upgrade).



(2 replies, posted in Wish List)

What do you like to see on such dashboard?


There is no option for it, so you have to change the code in login.php file.

You have to set both credit and cash sale set in your POS. Then sale is set according to default in customer settings, but you can change it during invoice entry.


Keep in mind that on purchase side all prices are assumed to be exclude tax. As usually in B2B.

What is the e-commerce script to be integrated?

The changes just implemented for 2.3 release in Purchases module involve find also option to define any inventory item as having editable description (name).Therefore you can entry multiply items with names edted as you wish and same item code.
You can test all the changes on our unstable demo site at http://fa2.iron.from.pl

This function is set using JsHttpRequest..query() call in utils.js. Look at line 92.

Good idea. Please add it to devel wiki to be refined in near future.