No, the options that I mentioned would be domestic (Company currency) values if no currency filter is chosen.
The report also states that the amounts are in domestic values.
You cannot not chose an aged report with multiple currencies.
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FrontAccounting forum → Posts by joe
No, the options that I mentioned would be domestic (Company currency) values if no currency filter is chosen.
The report also states that the amounts are in domestic values.
You cannot not chose an aged report with multiple currencies.
Hello Mark.
Either you can select 'No Currency Filter' in which case the amounts are in domestic values and ok to totalize.
Or you can select a single currency, in which case it is ok to totalize.
As I told you in another topic, I am no expert in Production. If we need to improve the manufacturing, we need some developers with knowledge in this.
There is also a posibility to create an extention/module to the existing Manufacturing to manage these advanced features.
Remember that FA is a non profit company, so we have limited resources.
Ok, maybe someone in the audience can help us. I am no expert in production. Do we need extra fields in the table for fixing this?
This is a very fine Project Garrapato. Looking forward to this extension. Bravo!
Ok, if the Payment Terms is set to be of type pre payment, then the days is set internally to -1.
This will display a due date to be the document day - 1. This is ok. This way it is easy to see that the payment terms is pre payment.
Ok, isn't this some kind of overhead cost that could be linked to a cost account?
I am not sure I understand you?
If you change the date format during a session, there will be some problem using the date picker.
It should be ok if you logout. Empty your browser cache. Close your browser and then login again.
BTW, the entered date Sept 30 2013 shouldbe Sep 30 2013.
Ok, if you have used negative days in the Payment Terms, then I can understand this behaviour.
The Payment Terms should not be less than zero.
Can we have a Little more information about this? It seems strange. I guess you mean Due Date. Have you made a Payment Terms set up wrongly?
On this page we have explained how to setup poedit.
There is a sticky topic here in the Translations forum about how to merge new strings into existing.
No, but if this is vital I will consider. Should default period be from beginning of fiscal year?
The new report, Work Order Listing, has now been added. The HG repository is updated and the report will be included in the next minor release.
You can download the new files here:
This has been fixed. You can download a new file, /manufacturing/search_work_orders.php, here.
The HG repository is updated and the fix will be included in the next minor release.
No, it is not possible to print the documents in excel format.
Ok, will have a look into this.
I am not quite sure about that. Often the date values is sufficient. You can often use the qbove fields for filtering.
We will take this inquiry first,
There are no such reports at present.
If we should create a report like the one on screen, ourstanding work orders, by which column should it be sorted?
This sounds resonable. Sorting by number or name is useful. Will have a look at this.
You do that in item and inventory tab. Press to the UOM link. Here you can enter the decimals for the UOM.
Thanks Mark
I will then push it to the HG repository to go to next minor release.
I am not familiar with Ifor SunSystems. Bear in mind that FA is Open Source. We are a non profit company. The only income are from donations.
We have no resources to give you support. You can search and use this forum for help.
Just send the exported excel file, and I will try to help you create a South African COA. You can use my email address or the contribution email on the Contact us page.
FrontAccounting forum → Posts by joe
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