Willdo later.
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FrontAccounting forum → Posts by joe
Willdo later.
I will try to get Janusz involved into this discussion. I guess he can contribute with some values too.
The Developers have been discussing the landed cost of items some years ago. There are several ways of solutions, but we haven't come up with one up to now. @alaa, if you have a good algorithm about how to do it, please contribute, and we will see how to solve it.
If you try to distribute the shipping to the items on the receival, then you shouldn't enter the shipping elsewhere. So you see this is not an easy task. The difficulties also start when you are crediting things.
You will probably have an estimation of about how much to include in the items to compensate for shipping.
And you will probably have an estimation of about how much to add on the purchase price to get a sufficient sales price.
Committed to Repo.
Willdo later.
Yes, if it is enabled in Company Setup.
Sure. Will do.
This has now been committed to stable repo and implemented this way:
A checkbox in Company Setup 'Use Barcodes on Stock' has been implemented.
If 'Use Barcodes on Stock' is marked:
A button next to the Item ID in Items.php is established that is called 'Generate EAN-8 Barcode'. Appearently this is a popular way of doing this. See @apmuthu comments above.
The Items Report 'Stock Check Sheets' now shows the Barcodes.
The Barcodes are shown without Borders. Looks prettier. But if you want a border it can be set to true on line 147 in rep303.php.
Some minor errors in the delivered zip file were fixed.
The language file 'empty.po' will have to wait until next minor.
I have now been working on this. I did an extra parameter in the Stock Check List for selecting Barcodes.
Why are you creating random barcodes in the Items.php? Is that a common way to do it? Will it confuse people not using barcodes?
Should it be an option using barcodes on the company? And maybe which barcode type?
Just a couple of questions from a guy not used to barcodes
Try to select 'Show Pictures'. The Barcode print seems to be inside the 'Show Pictures'. I am looking at the code implementation in the core.
Glad to hear if it works as is.
I will have a look tomorrow.
We have changed our Website Template today.
We are also going to fix the pages for missing and bad links, outdated info etc.
What are the php versions?
Today our Forum has been updated from version 1.3.6 to 1.4.4. There might be some minor strange things, but these will be fixed as soon as possible.
Will ask Janusz to have a look.
Check that you have not closed the GL Transactions in Banking & General Ledger, Closing GL Transactions.
The same algorithms are used on both customer and supplier side. On the customer side it is first checked for items and then customers/branches.
On the supplier side we can't check for items because this may be new items.
I guess this is ok to go this way. It has been done so for many years.
The call to check_db_has_suppliers() is moved down a bit in both files.
Committed to stable repo.
Will have a look.
Release 2.4.3 is available for download at SourceForge.
This is a 2.4.3 release.
This release is now PHP 7.X compatible.
This version fixes a couple of serious bugs as well as some minor bugs. Please report any bugs/problems found via our Mantis Bugtracker at http://mantis.frontaccounting.com.
Download instructions
In Sourceforge FrontAccounting(https:/sourceforge.net/projects/frontaccounting), select
Files -> FrontAccounting 2.4 ->2.4.3: For Windows users select the zip file. For all other users select the tar.gz file.
Fixed invalid reference number update in document edition.
Fix in date2sql function.
Fix for too many parameters in submit_return.
Option for Company Logo on Reports.
Right align numbers in inquiries and lists.
The variable $show_voided_gl_trans has been removed. Not used in 2.4.
Test for open_ssl in extensions.
Fixed user config values unavailable error generated before user login
Fixed Bug in includes\ui\ui_controls.inc
After successful Backup, loader.gif was still present - fixed.
Fixed error in getting exchange rate from Google
Fixed bug in exchange rate display helper.
Fixed reference number refresh on conflict during concurrent sales documents entry.
Fixed debtor_trans primary key to allow multiply AR/AP accounts in journal transactions.
On the fly editing (F2, F3 and F4) fix.
PHP7 compatibility fixes.
Fixed memory limit during database export.
Workaround for seg faults in some buggy php encoding library versions.
Fix in Popup Customer Window. Extended width to 700.
Fixed Logical Bugin Customer Balances Report.
Old Sales Quote Reference Fix
Sales Invoice: fixed tax included amount position.
New option for showing both Short Names and Names in Customer lists.
Fixed bug in Customer Balances and Customer Statements reports when using Journal Entry for making entries in AR account.
Right align numbers in customer inquiry.
Bug in presenting journal transactions in AR/AP Reports.
Better wrapping on comments in documents.
A bug in Customer Allocations fixed.
Added prepayment amount invoiced in Prepayment Invoice view.
Customer Inquiry: removed inconsistency in unsettled/overdue transactions.
[0003964] Fixed bug in voiding GRN.
New Company Option for showing both Short Names and Names in Supplier lists.
Fixed bug in reallocation payments during purchase invoice edition.
Bug in presenting journal transactions in AR/AP Reports.
Better wrapping on comments in documents.
Supplier Inquiry: removed inconsistency in unsettled/overdue transactions.
Fixed wrong colspan in supplier credit note.
Items and Inventory
Fixed bug in product average cost calculations.
Add Items on the Fly. Behavior Changed in FA24. Fixed.
Items: fixed item tax type selector to exclude inactive item tax types.
Top manufactured dashboard shows wrong statistics. Fixed.
Fixed Assets
Bank and General Ledger
Group Total in Trial Balance on Screen.
Profit and Loss Statement. Compensate for to-date = leap-year in period compare.
Searching Journal Inquiry by user not working. Fixed
Fixed Tax Report on Screen.
If you are running PHP >= 5.5 on Windows OS (WampServer) and you have another language properly installed and having problem shifting to this language you may have run into the PHP Bug #66265 and need to make the following work around:
OBS. The following operations are only needed if the above criteria is present!!
1. Find your system locale (in most cases this is en_US).
If you are unsure which system locale is default on your system, providing you have php >=5.3 installed, place file with following content in webroot directory:
echo locale_get_default();
then point your browser to the file. It will report your system locale.
2. The FA language files are in /lang/xx_YY/LC_MESSAGES/xx_YY-*.po and xx_YY-*.mo, where xx = language and YY is country, * is optional file version.
Copy all installed *.po/*.mo files into your system locale lang folder. F.i. providing your default locale is en_US, copy all the language files to /lang/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/ folder.
That's all. Now language switching should work as expected.
Ah @notrinos, you are persistent
As you said yourself, what about Item Adjustments (ST_INVADJUST) should be included.
Just to eliminate misunderstandings it is easier to just exclude ST_CUSTDELIVERY and ST_CUSTCREDIT.
So we have committed this as a rerun.
But thanks for the discussion. It is a refreshment to do a little thinking
Not much. It will be added if it is a positive adjustment and subtracted if it is a negative adjustment.
I guess we have taken care of all options now, right?
It should be ok to make location transfer. It will be included with plus and minus. Remember it is a total of all locations.
FrontAccounting forum → Posts by joe
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