I use the FA version 2.3.2
I'am  entry Direct Invoice in Menu Sales with invoice date 15-jan-2011, Payment

Terms 31 day, in column under Due Date is automatically changed 15-Feb-2011, but

now This View Invoice, Due Date 02-April-2011. Is this a bug or there is something wrong procedures .

Thanks & Best Regard.


(0 replies, posted in Reporting)


I try create module report the Sales Pricing for salesman with a column Stock_id, Retail, Wholesale.

Stock_id | Retail Price | Wholesale Price

How to Sample SQL Query in table 0_prices

Thanks & Best Regard

I am use FA.2.3.1. upgrade to 2.3.2 I have been description the inventory location G1, G2, P1, P2. enter sales  in Direct Sales Invoice with payment options of payment Cash, I am choose from Location Deliver P2. But the Delivery Note report always From Location G1. but the same, whether these bugs. What should I do to overcome this.

Thanks & Best Regard



I use the FA version 2.3.1, if I want to create modules and report modules,
anyone have example "Hello World" coding.

Thanks & Best Regard

in FA, we can do group items according to category. to proces items from raw materials to intermediate goods and finished materials can be build in manufacturing menu, operate follow chart business your.



(2 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

Thanks Joe,

What I did the same thing, If this is a correction to the supplier invoice but purchase price down from the supplier.



(2 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)


I note purchase of suppliers in accounts payable and customer sales in accounts receivable,
I purchase item A from suppliers with quantity 100 in a price of $5,
and on the same day sale to customer quantity 40 in a price of $7,
quantity stock 60 in Inventory location ,
The next day the supplier to revise the price to $6,

How to entry supplier Credit Notes if prices rise,
its influence with the stock in Inventory Valuation Report and accounts payable increase.

Thanks & Best Regard
Jujuk - Indonesia

Hello FA,

How to print a report Stock Check Sheets in inventory at limit to date specific.

Thanks & Best Regard


Thanks joe

I started using this program a couple of days back and absolutely love it.

How do I inquiry Inventory Location Transfers of each reference and date,

if I to make a new menu in Inquiries and Reports, I have to start from where

Thanks and Best Regards


(2 replies, posted in Reporting)

joe wrote:

You will have to change /reporting/rep303.php in the column headers and in the report lines.


Thanks jo,

I have success to add the command looping in create report column ordinal number.


How to add column ordinal numbers in Sheets Stock Check Report

Thanks and Best Regards