Take a report the currently exists and then import into a PDF editor or Word 2016 and above or in AnyWord and then make changes as you would need them in the changed report and highlight the changes and upload somewhere and send the link here (if you cannot attach it here directly).
51 07/24/2024 07:00:41 pm
Re: BOM Inventory Requirement Report and Production Feasibility (5 replies, posted in Reporting)
52 07/24/2024 06:57:52 pm
Re: lock reconciliation edit from journal entry (3 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)
Take a backup of the FA before and after the reconciliations and do a diff (http://www.winmerge.org). That will give you a clue to use a different DB username with edit permissions for the affected field(s). This is only a quick 'n' dirty fix that you can revert from after the deed is done.
53 07/24/2024 06:51:59 pm
Re: aged customer analysis report bug deleting old fiscal years (5 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)
Check the SQL statements that affect the report and see if you can tweak it for your needs.
If you can do that offline in an excel sheet than you can make some Journal Entries to offset the differences.
How many years data do you have and what is the size of your full backup and what FA version are you on currently.
Take subset screenshot of the report marking the places for corrections.
54 07/24/2024 04:15:08 am
Re: aged customer analysis report bug deleting old fiscal years (5 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)
This was probably that one may want to re-open old fiscal years.
@joe: must we purge all closed year balances or move them to temporary table for restoration on re-opening old fiscal years or just have flag in the report generation with a default to suppress closed years.
Also check for gaps in closed fiscal years.
55 07/24/2024 04:11:38 am
Re: Upgrade from older version (11 replies, posted in Setup)
PHP 5 is the base supported version for FA. If that is the release announcement, then it should be corrected. PHP 8 is being supported now as many mainstream distributions support it with some lag in minor versions.
Those on PHP5 have supported FA for as long as it existed and the newer installs are just being tried out predominantly by those feeling the waters.
Most developing and poor countries and those with unfavourable exchange rates still depend on older computers / servers that are still working. Most serious FA installs are still air gapped / on VPN. Even if a survey is done, the results will not be dependable as no will want to jeopardise info on their installs. It will be openly asking who did you vote for in the elections or who and what vested interests fund your campaign for what quid pro quo.
56 07/21/2024 06:51:18 pm
Re: Upgrade from older version (11 replies, posted in Setup)
Take any virtual machine, say from the likes of linode.
Make sure it is a lamp installation.
PHP 5.5 preferred with Apache 2.2 or 2.4.
MySQL 5.1 or MariaDB 10.5
Linux upto Debian 8 - Jessie should be fine.
Anything newer would need a huge read into the forums.
Unzip the latest FA bleeding edge.
PHP dependencies will be easily spotted in the install phase.
You can also use Hyper-V in any MS Windows flavour after WinXP and can install Debian 6, 7 or 8.
57 07/21/2024 06:43:52 am
Re: Upgrade from older version (11 replies, posted in Setup)
The set of changed files from FA v2.4.6 through to the current last commit on 28th June 2024 v2.4.18+ is attached herewith.
Just overwriting the existing install should be fine but keep a backup of the FA 2.4.6 fileset as well.
58 07/14/2024 04:39:53 pm
Re: lock reconciliation edit from journal entry (3 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)
Looks from the video, the NAP Online uses FA v2.3.x.
All these videos are usable for the most part for FA too.
They are very well produced.
59 07/14/2024 04:36:40 pm
Re: BOM Inventory Requirement Report and Production Feasibility (5 replies, posted in Reporting)
Then you will need 2 items: Juice Strawberries and Raw Strawberries.
Or just have 1 item as Strwaberries and don't bother to label them as for juice or for pulp.
60 07/11/2024 06:39:17 pm
Topic: Bash CLI setup a new company with random values (0 replies, posted in Setup)
The Initial Password for the admin user is in the config_db.php file after this is done
Other than
creating a default company folder
the following should be able to create a new company - tested on debian 6 squeeze:
# Script to create a new company with all random credentials in Debian
# To be shown in the login form
UPASSWD=`dd if=/dev/urandom count=200 bs=1 2>/dev/null|tr "\n" " "|sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9]//g'|cut -c-12`
RANUSER=`dd if=/dev/urandom count=200 bs=1 2>/dev/null|tr "\n" " "|sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9]//g'|cut -c-12`
FADBNAME=`dd if=/dev/urandom count=200 bs=1 2>/dev/null|tr "\n" " "|sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9]//g'|cut -c-12`
DEFCOPWD=`dd if=/dev/urandom count=200 bs=1 2>/dev/null|tr "\n" " "|sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9]//g'|cut -c-8`
mysql <<EOF
source /var/www/frontac/sql/${COA}.sql
INSERT INTO `0_users` (`id`,`user_id`,`password`,`real_name`,`role_id`,`phone`,`email`,`language`,`date_format`,`date_sep`,`tho_sep`,`dec_sep`,`theme`,`page_size`,`prices_dec`,`qty_dec`,`rates_dec`,`percent_dec`,`show_gl`,`show_codes`,`show_hints`,`last_visit_date`,`query_size`,`graphic_links`,`pos`,`print_profile`,`rep_popup`,`sticky_doc_date`,`startup_tab`,`transaction_days`,`save_report_selections`,`use_date_picker`,`def_print_destination`,`def_print_orientation`,`inactive`) VALUES
('1', 'admin', MD5('${DEFCOPWD}'), 'Administrator', '2', '', 'admin@example.com', 'C', '1', '2', '0', '0', 'default', 'A4', '2', '2', '4', '1', '1', '1', '1', NOW(), '10', '1', '1', '', '1', '0', 'orders', '30', '0', '1', '0', '0', '0');
# If the ${FADBCONFIG} script ends with "?>"
# Then remove it first with
sed '${/?>/d;}' -i ${FADBCONFIG}
echo "" >> ${FADBCONFIG};
echo "\$db_connections[] = array(" >> ${FADBCONFIG};
echo " 'name' => '${COMPANYNICKNAME}'," >> ${FADBCONFIG};
echo " 'host' => 'localhost'," >> ${FADBCONFIG};
echo " 'port' => ''," >> ${FADBCONFIG};
echo " 'dbuser' => '${RANUSER}'," >> ${FADBCONFIG};
echo " 'dbpassword' => '${UPASSWD}'," >> ${FADBCONFIG};
echo " 'dbname' => '${FADBNAME}'," >> ${FADBCONFIG};
echo " 'collation' => 'utf8_xx'," >> ${FADBCONFIG};
echo " 'tbpref' => '\$tb_pref_counter'.'_'," >> ${FADBCONFIG};
echo " );" >> ${FADBCONFIG};
echo "\$tb_pref_counter++;" >> ${FADBCONFIG};
echo "" >> ${FADBCONFIG};
echo "# Company $tb_pref_counter admin password: " . ${DEFCOPWD} >> ${FADBCONFIG};
echo "" >> ${FADBCONFIG};
Users can extend this script or make one for using with an existing php script.
This can be used with the form in this post to auto create a company from a signup form.
61 07/10/2024 05:23:15 pm
Re: Form for Ordering a FA Hosting Service (2 replies, posted in Installation)
Anyone interested in an OpenVZ or LXC template for FA can also chip in.
It can also be made into an extension.
62 07/10/2024 05:22:28 pm
Re: Form for Ordering a FA Hosting Service (2 replies, posted in Installation)
This could be a generic form hosted by FA team where the paid Service providers can be in a drop down selection list by country as well. A captcha can also be used. It can also serve as a curated list of competent FA hosting service providers.
63 07/10/2024 05:19:02 pm
Topic: Form for Ordering a FA Hosting Service (2 replies, posted in Installation)
Attached is a sample form screenshot for ordering a FA hosting service.
Anyone interested?
As feedback, what other minimal fields are necessary.
A note on what the initial offering entails like: 1GB, 512MB, single initial admin user, Chart of Accounts, Languages preferred, etc ?
Initially a restricted user can be provided whilst the admin user can be retained by the Hosting provider's support personnel.
The details of this form can go to a database where it can be vetted and then taken into a CRM when it becomes a potential client.
64 07/08/2024 06:22:26 pm
Re: Item Name with Qty and Price Show in Customer Balances Report (1 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)
No attachment.
65 06/27/2024 04:39:07 am
Re: FA not posting debit to liability account (12 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)
Highlight or circle the wrong entry for ease of correction. It appears to be only a reporting / viewing issue that should be easily corrected generally but in this case it prevents you from payment allocation as well. Some function used for status checking may be in error.
@joe: is this an issue.
@jcuning: Kindly post all relevant version info.
66 06/26/2024 03:45:27 pm
Re: Installation 2.4.18 PHP 8 (15 replies, posted in Installation)
Have a look at this.
It is still better to make NULL into empty strings to support a wide range of PHP versions.
67 06/26/2024 03:43:17 pm
Re: Attachments do not follow the transaction after editing. [FA 2.4.18] (5 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)
@joe: is this a real issue?
68 06/26/2024 03:40:41 pm
Re: BOM Inventory Requirement Report and Production Feasibility (5 replies, posted in Reporting)
Looks like you need the second version alone and a general inventory from FA.
Do the output items always remain output only and do not become input items for other output items?
To reduce complexity, you might want to split your 2 requirements into different applications.
69 05/25/2024 10:31:22 am
Re: FA New Install Items Maintenance not working (2 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)
Increase these settings in php.ini and restart webserver.
70 05/03/2024 04:51:53 am
Topic: White space commit? (1 replies, posted in FA Modifications)
What was this commit all about?
71 04/29/2024 04:15:25 am
Re: Kindly update Tamil and Hindi translations in the extensions repo (3 replies, posted in Translations)
Thanks @itronics.
Language list versions updated and attached herein.
72 04/27/2024 09:20:40 am
Topic: Kindly update Tamil and Hindi translations in the extensions repo (3 replies, posted in Translations)
@joe: I have updated the extensions for Tamil and Hindi languages at: https://github.com/apmuthu/frontac24/commit/29cc99ff3938e31e7e8160508e85cfcb942300c9
Also attached them here for ease of integration into the official Extensions Repo.
73 04/27/2024 09:04:29 am
Re: Release 2.4.18 (3 replies, posted in Announcements)
Post Release Fixes attached.
Github Master (Bleeding Edge) Download Link
These fixes can be applied to (overwrite) the release version to be fully functional.
74 04/26/2024 05:47:02 am
Re: Recurrent Sales Orders (20 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)
@joe: appears to be a useful feature. Care to place it in the core with an toggle flag in the per company options?
75 04/15/2024 07:57:24 pm
Re: Tax on extra costs (1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)
php-residence is now hoteldruid.
last known version as php-residence.
Current one that supports PHP 8 is: