(4 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

The workflow you've outlined IS how I processed the order, except I do not create a quote.  I DO NOT process a Direct Invoice.

Customer has Credit Terms set as Credit Card in the customer setup.  The Payment Terms on the Issue an Invoice for Delivery Note screen is set to Credit Card.

So, what am I missing?


(4 replies, posted in Setup)

Thanks for the prompt reply and suggestion.  I'd rather not mess with the SQL tables...way out of my comfort zone.

I have been working on understanding/correcting GL entries and now have the GL correct.  I'm left with just a few open issues.  I have numerous posts on the forum, so I won't duplicate those matters on this post.

Thanks again.


(4 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

When I perform this process it results in customer payment GL entries in AR and Petty Cash.  I was not expecting this to happen.  I was expecting to have to execute a Customer Payment process and then follow up with an allocation of the payment against an invoice.

Why did this happen?
How do I reverse it?
Is there a flag set somewhere that enables the automatic customer payment?


(1 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

A given customer has a credit balance showing on the account.  This is due to too many customer payments being recorded (I believe).  There should be an amount of $3.93 still owed by the customer. 

How do I remove payments so as to correct the credit balance to reflect the $3.93 that is actually owed?


(4 replies, posted in Setup)

Thanks.  FA still will not let me delete it.  For clarification:

- all previous fiscal years are closed
- all closed fiscal years have a red X indicating that it can be deleted
- when I click the X FA prompts 'Are you sure?'
- when I click OK I get the msg "Cannot delete this fiscal year because there are fiscal years before."
- now I have a 2019 fiscal year which is considered the 'current' fiscal year and I cannot delete it


(4 replies, posted in Setup)

Hi.  I would like to delete the current fiscal year and start over with a new one.  FA will not let me delete the current year.  It states, "Cannot delete this fiscal year because there are fiscal years before.".

My goal is to clear the GL of all 2018 transactions, of which there are few, and re-enter them.

I do not have a backup for the end of 2017 (I know, I know).

Are there other options?


(7 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

I don't know.  How do I determine that?  I operate my business in the USA, English speaking


(3 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Brief history:

Because revenue from a processed sales order (and subsequent delivery and invoice) hit the wrong bank account (went to Petty Cash instead of the intended bank), I needed to reverse the transaction.  I used the "Credit This" icon next to the customer transaction which effectively reversed all of the GL transactions except now I'm left with a debit balance in Petty Cash and credit balance in Accounts Receivables.  I allocated the available credit note for the customer but it did not seem to affect anything in the GL.

I planned to use the Payments option under Banking and GL, but I cannot figure out which GL accounts to use.  I've selected the customer to which payment needs to be made, selected the Petty Cash bank account to draw money from, and selected my AR account.  FA will not let me process this though.  It reports "Settled amount have to be positive number".

The only other option I can think of is to do a JE against Petty Cash and AR.  I'd rather not, hoping that there is simply a process I am not seeing.



(7 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Thanks, but it's not clear how your comments help.  I was expecting help getting past the point of the setup process where I am current stalled.  I've successfully established a new bank account in the GL (that was a previous step in the "Create a POS for Credit Cards in Setup" process as outlined in the Wiki).

Why can I not create a new POS associated with this new bank account?


(7 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Hi.  I am attempting to follow the setup instruction in the Wiki for enabling CC type sales.  When I get to the fourth bullet point (Create a POS for Credit Cards in Setup => Points of Sale and assign it the bank account for Credit Cards with atleast Cash sales enabled) I get hung up trying to create a new POS.  The drop down window for the "Default cash account:" control only shows Petty Cash account.  I don't see any other field into which I can enter my newly created merchant bank GL code.  The version of FA is 2.3.19