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I suggest be included in the file of customers and suppliers a tab for attachment documents of each client or supplier.I refer to those documents that do not imply an accounting operation. For example: copy of tax ID, tax id validation, and others.
FrontHrm working last version of FA
I have instaled FrontHrm in version 2.4.4. ...and it dont create the corresponding db tables....How can I fix it?
I instalel FrontHrm in version of FA 2.4.4...and it is no working.....
It seems that the problem is Db for FrontHrm was no created during the instalation process...........Help!...
I have instaled FrontHRM in version 2.4.4........... It is not working..........
It dont save the Payroll default Settings. Tha problem is that tables for DB of FrontHrm was no created during the process of instalation..............
boxygen......Do you have instaled FrontHrm?
I instaled it but seems a problean creating tha DB....
Is there a demo.....where this extension is instaled?
I do that..........and say next error..............
Package 'Simple US payroll' is incompatible with current application version and cannot be activated. Check Install/Activate page for newer package version.
Is this payroll compatible with last version of FA ?
I installed it but don't see it in dashboard.
I am usigng FA. In payment how can I register a check with Retentions. For Ej:
Crd. Tax.......... can I register this credit??
Cred. Banck... 900.00
Thanks for help......
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