@joe: is this okay?


In your php.ini:

max_execution_time = 60
post_max_size = 64M
upload_max_filesize = 64M

Do not forget to restart the web-server process.

Also check for the lines with the word "timeout" in the files js/JsHttpRequest.js and js/utils.js.


(5 replies, posted in Setup)

File ownership to be checked for your company/0/attachments folder as it must be owned by the webserver process (www-data for Debian/Ubuntu).


(5 replies, posted in Modules/Add-on's)



(5 replies, posted in Setup)

What is your MySQL and PHP versions and which platform version are you on and which build version of FA v2.4 are you using?

Release Dates:

2024-06-28 - v2.4.18+
2024-04-03 - v2.4.18
2018-12-24 - v2.4.6

Last changes in sales/inquiry/sales_orders_view.php:

2024-05-14: Bug 5738 Addl Search Options and Bug 5740 Prepaid options for SO
2023-10-21: Bug 5722: Canceled Sales Orders Show Up In Sales Order Inquiry. Fixed.
2022-04-29: Invoice Prepaid Orders: Added new payments column for direct review of order invoicing status.
2020-01-13: Sales Order Inquiry Sort Descending. Fixed.
2019-07-18: Paged transaction inquiries optimized for maximum links in Sales and Purchasing and continuation
2017-09-21: Right align numbers in inquiries and lists.

None of these changes seem to indicate your predicament. Looks like some function call in the file even possibly outside these changes may have been changed in the files they were defined in.


(5 replies, posted in Modules/Add-on's)

WordPress does not have orders by default unless you installed a WP plugin.
In WP with your preferred eCommerce plugin installed, take a DB backup, then mane an order and then take another backup and compare the differences between the two backups and you will know which tables/records were affected and you can do the same for FA and hammer out a orders transfer script / sql.

Just 3 current accounts of shareholders.


(4 replies, posted in Installation)

Check out one of the first lines in includes/session.inc file for the SECURE_ONLY constant.


(4 replies, posted in Installation)

Check your mouse and it's buttons. Try a new / different working mouse.
Switch chatter / bounce may be at work.
See if the same issue occurs in another similar form page.

Try to do the same transaction in a fresh install of FA in PHP 5.x and MySQL 5.1 and you will note that NULL implementation and argument order may expose causes.

Lines 756-759 in reporting/includes/pdf_report.inc are:

    function TextCol($c, $n, $txt, $corr=0, $r=0, $border=0, $fill=0, $link=NULL, $stretch=1)
        return $this->TextWrap($this->cols[$c], $this->row - $r, $this->cols[$n] - $this->cols[$c] + $corr, $txt, $this->aligns[$c], $border, $fill, $link, $stretch);

The above function has not changed in 15 years.
However in 2 places in the said file certain PHP 8.1 issues caused a change 2 years ago for the likes of:

$str = ($str != NULL ? strtr($str, array("\r"=>'')) : "");

which may have to be revisited.

The function / method TextWrap is also defined in the same file (changed for PHP 8.1, 2 years ago) whilst the function / method addTextWrap called therefrom is defined in the file reporting/includes/class.pdf.inc.

Check if there are any PHP version related changes between PHP 5 and 8.1 that cause this situation.

@joe: any clues?


(0 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

There is nice article with video for creating extensions in FA at:

Which version of PHP and MySQL are you using? Looks like a PHP 8 issue where arguments for functions with default values are generally pushed to the end.

Turn debug to 2 in config.php and execute the transaction and post the results.


(8 replies, posted in Manufacturing)

@joe: Should we allow 0 qty items in BOM to exist?


(8 replies, posted in Manufacturing)

The basic FA has just 80 tables.
Make a fresh install of latest FA and manually import differences taking care to adjust the Primary Key and it's references.
Then copy over the relevant images/files renaming them for ID related differences in the new dispensation.


(8 replies, posted in Installation)

The said function is a built-in one:


(8 replies, posted in Manufacturing)

It is possible that many IDs may be missing due to deletion but the AUTO_INCREMENT value may have advanced.


(8 replies, posted in Manufacturing)

The file manufacturing/includes/db/work_order_requirements_db.inc has the offending code at lines 66-*74:

function update_wo_requirement_issued($id, $quantity, $cost)
    $sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."wo_requirements SET 
                unit_cost = (units_issued*unit_cost+".$quantity*$cost.")/(units_issued+".$quantity."),
                units_issued = units_issued + ".db_escape($quantity)."
            WHERE id = ".db_escape($id);

    db_query($sql, "The work requirements issued quantity couldn't be updated");

As 'unit_cost' is computed and assigned in the sql statement whilst being part of  the RHS as well kindly look at if it was available initially in the first place.


(1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Correction / reversal entries are already available and they have an audit trail.

Sales Orders (#_sales_orders) have an attached Sales Details table (#_sales_order_details) for the line items.
Refer the Wiki for the ERD Diagram.

All Customer Accounts are #_debtors_master.

The ERD Diagram for FA 2.3 (not much has changed in 2.4) is at ERDiagram23.


(11 replies, posted in Setup)

Very much so.
To run FA you only need a CLI install of Linux.
Later versions of Linux will help manage various cyphers for SSL TLS v1.3.
Debian 6 (Squeeze) runs FA very well when fully updated it is quite secure provided you have a good firewall - even PPTP VPN on pfSense 2.2.6 (since removed after NetGate took it over) would suffice.
It is however imperative that the access and error logs in the firewall and the FA PHP erro logs are regularly monitors - DDoS attacks have become very rampant and iptables manually monitored (fail2ban fails in many instances) will rener it safe albeit expensive in time and effort.


(11 replies, posted in Setup)

Air gapped / VPN systems are easily done on older computers without buying VPN services. HyperV in Windows and VMWare Player are good fits with any firewall worth iits name - pfSense, SMEServer, etc.

I do use latest FA on OpenVZ and LXC too - hardly 250MB as template.