(4 replies, posted in Installation)

I have my old fa 2.4.6 up and running and it does not happen there (does have ssl)

My new site is local on my LAN and does not have SSL just yet... (docker fun)

Could that be it?
Is the a setting I need to adjust while I am not using https?


(4 replies, posted in Installation)

If I want to add an item to a SO I type the Item Number  in "Item Code" and the Item Description changes to the item

That is how my old installation ran but running FA 2.4.18 i sometimes see the Item Code and Description field rapidly toggle between the previous value and one I just typed. It is almost like each field has an onChange action and they are battling it out

I have found that if I type in Item Code and instead of enter or tab, if I switch to a different browser tab and go back then it is correct

Anyone seen anything like this?

I am using Brave Browser... Saying that suggests to me I should try a different browser...

I tried Chrome and it did the same thing. video attached


(8 replies, posted in Manufacturing)

I figured out the problem!

I have some items in my BOM that have a 0 quantity this seems to no longer work.

If I remove the q=0 items I can assemble them again!


(8 replies, posted in Manufacturing)

I think I am getting closer to seeing what the issue is.

On the old site if I open the database in phpmyadmin the wo_requirements table has 8000 records and on the imported site only 300

I also get an error from myphpadmin when browsing that table that looks like a php issue

I am going to try mysqldump and see if I get all 8000 records for that table

--- error below

Warning in ./libraries/sql.lib.php#613
count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable


./libraries/sql.lib.php#2128: PMA_isRememberSortingOrder(array)
./libraries/sql.lib.php#2062: PMA_executeQueryAndGetQueryResponse(
boolean true,
string 'gotgrit_fa24',
string '0_wo_requirements',
string '',
string './themes/pmahomme/img/',
string 'SELECT * FROM `0_wo_requirements`',
./sql.php#221: PMA_executeQueryAndSendQueryResponse(
boolean true,
string 'gotgrit_fa24',
string '0_wo_requirements',
string '',
string './themes/pmahomme/img/',
string 'SELECT * FROM `0_wo_requirements`',


(8 replies, posted in Manufacturing)

Humm... I did delete a handfull of closed fiscal years, but other than that not much.

I'll look at a known good backup and see what that table looks like..

Might I need to recreate the BOMs used to manufacture  that product?


(8 replies, posted in Manufacturing)

>  wo_requirements the highest id is 8616 and the SQL refers to 8652

The SQL refers to id = 8652 and the highest id in the table is 8616, what could cause the code to refer to a non-existent record?


(8 replies, posted in Manufacturing)

I have ported my db from 2.4.6 to 2.4.18

I have a number of products are are assembled with a BOM and when I have all the items required I get the following error

<b>DATABASE ERROR :</b> The work requirements issued quantity couldn't be updated<br>error code : 1048<br>error message : Column 'unit_cost' cannot be null<br>sql that failed was : UPDATE 0_wo_requirements SET
                unit_cost = (units_issued*unit_cost+0)/(units_issued+0),
                units_issued = units_issued + '0'
            WHERE id = '8652'<br><br><br>

I am am able to enter other work orders

in wo_requirements the highest id is 8616 and the SQL refers to 8652


I am using PHP 7.4.33 and mysql 8.0


(11 replies, posted in Setup)

We're circling around semantics.

Old computers can run modern (more secure) versions of Linux...

So anyway ..

The bottom line is that while PHP8 is supported, it sounds like PHP5 is recommended



(11 replies, posted in Setup)

I didn't mean to spark a Holy War!

I have run the recent server versions of Ubuntu (like 22.04) on 10 year old systems, add memory and they run well.
Older computers do not mandate old operating systems (unless we're talking about Windows lol)

I am sure Air gapped / VPN system won't be cheap and old smile

All kidding aside, with such a discrepancy between recommended support (PHP5) and current releases it sounds like a official docker image would really make installs easier.

And in fact putting the install inside a container provides some additional isolation...


(11 replies, posted in Setup)

PHP 5?

The release announcement for 2.4.18 says PHP 8

Is that wrong?


(11 replies, posted in Setup)

Well I started looking at the diffs between my version and the update files and then I tried the obvious and downloaded a fresh 2.4.6 unziped it and compared against my files

No changes... I guess all my updates were included in the 2.4.6 release (actually I had a fa23 directory, so maybe in 2.3...)

Whew this will be easy

Is there an official docker image?

I run almost everything I can in dockers for portability



(11 replies, posted in Setup)

I recall making code changes, I think many were pushed back into the main source.
I am fairly sure I did not make db changes, I guess we'll find out.

myqsl_diff may come in handy...



(11 replies, posted in Setup)

I have Version 2.4.6 Build 24.12.2018 and want to upgrade to the latest version so I can get PHP8 support.

The latest is 2.4.18

Assuming I have not modified the database will a 2.4.6 backup restore ok in 2.4.18

I am going to wipe the old Fiscal Years, but want to keep inventory, manufacturing and COA, etc

(yes I been gone for a very long time)


(1 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Any comments?

I got some github messages, but not sure if they were even for this version of osc_orders or some private build


(1 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

I have a new update for the osc customer/order import module

It now makes sure the debtor_ref branch_ref names are unique for the FA pulldown menus

It could use another review to see if I missed anything else obvious smile


Braath Waate wrote:

Aha, I see that now.  There isn't any city tax in Florida, just county and state, as you have said.  Sorry for the confusion.

No problem.

That shows the simplicity of the osCommerce Tax groups.

When a customer enters their state as Florida, they are then presented with a State Pulldown list that includes ALL the tax groups within Florida and the descriptive name helps THEM pick the right one, after all they know where they live and what tax rates the are subject to.

It was a perfect solution for eCommerce 10 years ago.


from http://floridarevenue.com/taxes/taxesfees/Pages/sales_tax.aspx

Sales tax and discretionary sales surtax are calculated on each taxable transaction. Florida uses a bracket system for calculating sales tax when the transactions fall below or in between whole dollar amounts. Multiply the whole dollar amount by the tax rate (6% plus the county discretionary sales surtax rate)

There are 22 counties in Florida, so I only have 22 different sales tax zones that I need to worry about.

Sales tax is ONLY calculated on a COUNTY basis.

I think you like to make things overly complex.


apmuthu wrote:

Isn't it time govts stopped interfering with businesses?
Americans should not vote for such reps who try to bully businesses.

I think that the Sales Tax should be collected at the point of SALE (Not Delivery)

So if my state encourages business then IT should reap the benefits.

It also makes it much simpler for the businesses to collect and pay.

Ya know Florida expects it's citizens to report and pay sales tax on any untaxed mail orders.


apmuthu wrote:

@tom: Updated osc_orders extension in GitHub FA24extensions repo.

I will be coming out with a new version that makes sure the Short Name of a debtor_master record is unique and the Branch Name of a custome_branch is also unique for osC imports


Braath Waate wrote:

If you only have 22 tax rates for Florida, you might not be collecting all the sales tax that is required.   Florida, like Colorado, is a destination-based state.  I am not certain what the Florida requirements are,  but this usually means that, for orders placed via the internet/mail by a customer within Florida from a Florida vendor, the vendor must collect a sales tax rate applicable at the buyer's address (including any applicable local sales taxes).

Before 2019, Colorado vendors selling within Colorado usually needed to charge 2.9% for any sale outside the physical location.   This was very easy.   After 2019, there are now 733 local tax districts to deal with.   FA and OSC do not natively support tax by destination address and county/city/zip code are insufficient to determine the applicable tax rate.

You are right that the small business is usually exempt from these new out-of-state rules.  Thus you can sell into Colorado without having to follow its in-state rules.

If I have 22 tax rates in osc and FA and like I said above I update them every year as I get noticed from DOR, why would you think I am doing it wrong?

I collect and pay at the tax rate of the delivery location of each Florida order, I have done so for almost 20 years.


Yeah, ok.

COnsider these facts:

1 - It does not appear that very many people would are using the osc_orders addon
2 - osCommerce is pretty old, so anyone having $100k in sales would likely not be using it

A taco stand is not likely to use osC, osC is a web store, having 200 transactions within a 10 mile radius of a given *remote* location is a long shot

I pay all the sales tax I am bound to pay in Florida, as a PERSON I can not be required to follow all the tax laws of all 50 states, it is an unnecessary burden upon me.

There is a huge difference between me and Wayfair and most people using osCommerce (or any Free e-commerce solution) are likely not big enough to be included.

I wonder what they are smoking on Colorado to think they can enforce sales tax laws like that on individuals. (you said all Deliveries)


It take a pretty large company to hit these targets:

Conducts 200 or more separate retail sales of tangible personal property or taxable services for delivery in Florida; or
Conducts any number of retail sales of tangible personal property or taxable services for delivery in Florida in an amount exceeding $100,000

200 sales in a specific state or $100k per year

All these sales tax reforms have exclusions for smaller businesses

Anyone bigger won't be using osCommerce for sure


Good point, I will have append a unique id to the short name (maybe osc customers_id)

I have the tax rates just fine, the tax rate is based upon the delivery address, which is what the Branches identify.

In osc I have about 22 tax rates for Florida, one for each county - which is the way osc was designed.

I get a notice from the state of Florida (along with my filing forms) with the tax rate changes... change in osc and change in FA poof all done


In the second method is that where you use a specified debtor_no and create branches for these transactions?
I also saw the direct invoice option, which I did not touch.

In my original module I looked up osc customer in FA simply by their name, so duplicate names was a problem,
a second customer by the same name just looked like the one guy moved...

Now it maps between the DBs using the table index for the tables.

I just need to add a db_postwrite hook to update the table if a debtor master record is deleted.


UPDATE: I see that there are no db hooks for debtor_master transactions, so I think we can live with extra osc_customer records.
I will check the code to make sure if the osc cID is re-imported that it will behave well and maybe clean up

I am using it and will likely keep using it on my own site mostly because I don't want to deal with porting everything into a new program/db

I have been updating the osc_orders module to better map osc customers to FA debtor_masters

Is there a way an addon can get notified of db transactions?

delete debtor_master record (to delete mapping to osc cID)
maybe order dispatch to enter comments in osc orders history and maybe email customer.
