(6 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Thanks for the reply.

I just created the site in the last 2 days using the current download and installed an English COA during the installation.

I could send you a screen shot showing debtor ref as field 16, but here is a cut and paste from phpmyadmin

15     inactive     tinyint(1)             No     0        
16     debtor_ref     varchar(30)     latin1_swedish_ci         No     None

On my installation debtor_ref and cust_branch are the last field so the instructions in the wiki will not work for new installations.

Could it be the alter2.2.sql?

ALTER TABLE `0_debtors_master` ADD COLUMN `debtor_ref` varchar(30) NOT NULL;


ALTER TABLE `0_cust_branch` ADD COLUMN `branch_ref`    varchar(30) NOT NULL;

adding them as the last 2 fields?

Needs an "AFTER ....." added.

About a sample excel spreadsheet, for a new person to the system the explanation is overwhelming and an example to see how the explanation is applied would be a great help.




(6 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

apmuthu wrote:

This has been supplemented with a pure SQL means documented in the Wiki.


Thanks for this, I tried it but ran into a few problems, there is a slight error in the sql

`payment_terms` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT DEFAULT '1',

should be

`payment_terms` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT  '1',

The AUTO_INCREMENT commands such as

ALTER TABLE 1_crm_persons AUTO_INCREMENT=(@person_id+1);

gave me an error message and I never managed to resolve that one, just substituted numbers.


It is not clear that the phpmyadmin option to import data should be used.

It is probably easier to keep the header row in the file and use the option to skip 1 line during the import. Thus you will get the right number of columns if you have blank columns at the end of row 1.

Select CSV format and you may need to change the "Line Terminated With" to \n from auto.

Then I thought I  must have got the set up values wrong as I got the error

#1062 - Duplicate entry '0' for key 'debtor_ref'

Finally worked out I had to move some statements in most of the commands to get the fields to be in the same order as the fields in the tables.

This worked for me.

INSERT INTO `0_crm_persons`
    `debtor_no` AS `id`
  , `debtor_ref` AS `ref`
  , IF(LENGTH(`Contact`) > 0, `Contact`, `CustName`) AS `name`
  , '' AS `name2`
  , REPLACE(IF(LENGTH(BillingAddress) > 0, BillingAddress, ShippingAddress), "  ", " ") AS `address`
  , `phone`
  , `phone2`
  , `fax`
  , `email`
  , '' AS lang
  , IF(NeedPO, 'Need PO', ' ') AS notes
  , 0  AS inactive
FROM `cust_list` WHERE NOT IsMB


    `debtor_no` AS `id`
  , `debtor_ref` AS `ref`
  , IF(LENGTH(`Contact`) > 0, `Contact`, `CustName`) AS `name`
  , '' AS `name2`
  , REPLACE(IF(LENGTH(BillingAddress) > 0, BillingAddress, ShippingAddress), "  ", " ") AS `address`
  , `phone`
  , `phone2`
  , `fax`
  , `email`
  , '' AS lang
  , IF(NeedPO, 'Need PO', ' ') AS notes
  , 0  AS inactive
FROM `cust_list` WHERE IsMB GROUP BY debtor_no)


    `branch_code` AS `id`
  , `branch_ref` AS `ref`
  , IF(LENGTH(`Contact`) > 0, `Contact`, `BranchName`) AS `name`
  , '' AS `name2`
  , REPLACE(IF(LENGTH(BillingAddress) > 0, BillingAddress, ShippingAddress), "  ", " ") AS `address`
  , `phone`
  , `phone2`
  , `fax`
  , `email`
  , '' AS lang
  , IF(NeedPO, 'Need PO', ' ') AS notes
  , 0  AS inactive
FROM `cust_list` WHERE IsMB;

# Importing into #_debtors_master table

SET @currency=(SELECT MID(`value`,1,3) AS currency FROM `0_sys_prefs` WHERE category='setup.company' AND `name`='curr_default');
INSERT INTO `0_debtors_master`
  , `CustName` AS `name`
  , REPLACE(IF(LENGTH(BillingAddress) > 0, BillingAddress, ShippingAddress), "  ", " ") AS `address`
  , `TaxNum` AS `tax_id`
  , @currency AS `curr_code`
  , `Pricing` AS `sales_type`
  , 0 AS `dimension_id`
  , 0 AS `dimension2_id`
  , 1 AS `credit_status`
  , `payment_terms`
  , 0 AS `discount`
  , 0 AS `pymt_discount`
  , `credit_limit`
  , IF(NeedPO, 'Need PO', ' ') AS notes
  , 0 AS inactive
  , `debtor_ref`
FROM cust_list WHERE NOT IsMB)


  , `CustName` AS `name`
  , REPLACE(IF(LENGTH(BillingAddress) > 0, BillingAddress, ShippingAddress), "  ", " ") AS `address`
  , `TaxNum` AS `tax_id`
  , @currency AS `curr_code`
  , `Pricing` AS `sales_type`
  , 0 AS `dimension_id`
  , 0 AS `dimension2_id`
  , 1 AS `credit_status`
  , `payment_terms`
  , 0 AS `discount`
  , 0 AS `pymt_discount`
  , `credit_limit`
  , IF(NeedPO, 'Need PO', ' ') AS notes
  , 0 AS inactive
  , `debtor_ref`
FROM cust_list WHERE IsMB GROUP BY debtor_no);

# Import the branches into #_cust_branch table

SET @salesdiscact=(SELECT (`value`+0) AS debtors_act FROM `0_sys_prefs` WHERE category='glsetup.sales' AND `name`='default_sales_discount_act');
SET @debtorsact=(SELECT (`value`+0) AS debtors_act FROM `0_sys_prefs` WHERE category='glsetup.sales' AND `name`='debtors_act');
SET @paymentdiscact=(SELECT (`value`+0) AS debtors_act FROM `0_sys_prefs` WHERE category='glsetup.sales' AND `name`='default_prompt_payment_act');

INSERT INTO `0_cust_branch`
    `debtor_no` AS `branch_code`
  , `debtor_no`
  , `CustName` AS `br_name`
  , REPLACE(IF(LENGTH(BillingAddress) > 0, BillingAddress, ShippingAddress), "  ", " ") AS `br_address`
  , 1 AS `area`
  , 1 AS `salesman`
  , `Contact` AS `contact_name`
  , 'DEF' AS `default_location`
  , `TaxExempt`+1 AS `tax_group_id`
  , `sales_account`
  , @salesdiscact AS `sales_discount_account`
  , @debtorsact AS receivables_account
  , @paymentdiscact AS `payment_discount_account`
  , 1 AS `default_ship_via`
  , 0 AS `disable_trans`
  , REPLACE(IF(LENGTH(ShippingAddress) > 0, ShippingAddress, BillingAddress), "  ", " ") AS `br_post_address`
  , 0 AS `group_no`
  , '' AS `notes`
  , 0 AS `inactive`
  , `debtor_ref` AS `branch_ref`
FROM `cust_list` WHERE NOT `IsMB`)


    `debtor_no` AS `branch_code`
  , `debtor_no`
  , `CustName` AS `br_name`
  , REPLACE(IF(LENGTH(BillingAddress) > 0, BillingAddress, ShippingAddress), "  ", " ") AS `br_address`
  , 1 AS `area`
  , 1 AS `salesman`
  , `Contact` AS `contact_name`
  , 'DEF' AS `default_location`
  , `TaxExempt`+1 AS `tax_group_id`
  , `sales_account`
  , @salesdiscact AS `sales_discount_account`
  , @debtorsact AS receivables_account
  , @paymentdiscact AS `payment_discount_account`
  , 1 AS `default_ship_via`
  , 0 AS `disable_trans`
  , REPLACE(IF(LENGTH(ShippingAddress) > 0, ShippingAddress, BillingAddress), "  ", " ") AS `br_post_address`
  , 0 AS `group_no`
  , '' AS `notes`
  , 0 AS `inactive`
  , `debtor_ref` AS `branch_ref`
FROM `cust_list` WHERE `IsMB` GROUP BY `debtor_no`)


  , `debtor_no`
  , `CustName` AS `br_name`
  , REPLACE(IF(LENGTH(BillingAddress) > 0, BillingAddress, ShippingAddress), "  ", " ") AS `br_address`
  , 1 AS `area`
  , 1 AS `salesman`
  , `Contact` AS `contact_name`
  , 'DEF' AS `default_location`
  , `TaxExempt`+1 AS `tax_group_id`
  , `sales_account`
  , @salesdiscact AS `sales_discount_account`
  , @debtorsact AS receivables_account
  , @paymentdiscact AS `payment_discount_account`
  , 1 AS `default_ship_via`
  , 0 AS `disable_trans`
  , REPLACE(IF(LENGTH(ShippingAddress) > 0, ShippingAddress, BillingAddress), "  ", " ") AS `br_post_address`
  , 0 AS `group_no`
  , '' AS `notes`
  , 0 AS `inactive`
  , `branch_ref`
FROM `cust_list` WHERE `IsMB`);

# Import the persons mappings into #_contacts table

#    Each Customer (Individual and Multi Branch Headquarters) will have one customer and one cust_branch contact record for each imported into the debtors_master table
#    Each Multi Branch Customer's non HQ branch will have one cust_branch contact record
#    In the FA Web UI, the individual contacts can be edited for their Contact Names or alter the earlier (persons) sql to directly put in the Contact into the contact_name field in the #_crm_persons table
#    The following sql will import the contact mappings:

INSERT INTO `0_crm_contacts`
    NULL AS id
  , `debtor_no` AS person_id
  , 'customer' AS `type`
  , 'general' AS `action`
  , `debtor_no` AS `entity_id`
FROM `cust_list` WHERE `IsMB`


    NULL AS id
  , `debtor_no` AS person_id
  , 'cust_branch' AS `type`
  , 'general' AS `action`
  , `debtor_no` AS `entity_id`
FROM `cust_list` WHERE `IsMB`


    NULL AS id
  , `debtor_no` AS person_id
  , 'customer' AS `type`
  , 'general' AS `action`
  , `debtor_no` AS `entity_id`
FROM `cust_list` WHERE NOT `IsMB` GROUP BY debtor_no)


    NULL AS id
  , `debtor_no` AS person_id
  , 'cust_branch' AS `type`
  , 'general' AS `action`
  , `debtor_no` AS `entity_id`
FROM `cust_list` WHERE NOT `IsMB` GROUP BY debtor_no)


    NULL AS id
  , `branch_code` AS person_id
  , 'cust_branch' AS `type`
  , 'general' AS `action`
  , `branch_code` AS `entity_id`
FROM `cust_list` WHERE NOT `IsMB`
) a ORDER BY entity_id, person_id, `type` DESC;

To make this easier to follow/understand could I suggest a sample excel file showing how to import customers with branches and how the debtor code and branch number should increment.

Finally having the Surname or name2 field as part of the basic import.

HTH someone.




When running the menu option "Import Paypal Transactions", after selecting a csv file and clicking on the "Import Paypal Transaction" button the screen goes blank and this message is displayed.

Not Acceptable!

An appropriate representation of the requested resource could not be found on this server. This error was generated by Mod_Security

The initial URL  is


when the error message is displayed, it is


If I remove ../.. from the url Mod_Security does not kick in.

My host will not turn off mod sec or allow the rules to be varied.

Are there any plans to replace the dot-slash coding?

