No, the only way of doing this is just how you did it. There is no way of tax on tax on tax. You will have to do it as you did.



(5 replies, posted in Translations)

Ah ahrambc, I have now tried the arabic translation, and it seems that if you use the space as the thousand separator the browser treats this as text.
So please change the thousand separator to a ',' and the decimal as a '.' . You do that in 'Preferences'.

In this case it worked alright here at my place.



(5 replies, posted in Translations)

I see, but the problem is that we do not have any influences on how the text and numbers are treated in the browsers.
You could also try using another thousand and decimal separator.


There is a very old developers Api for download on the website - download pages.
However we do not have the resources to help on changing the program, so you are on your own here.



(5 replies, posted in Translations)

For some reason, it seems that the browser treats this as a text. Which browser?

For problems in arabic language, you could also try to contact . Look for Hameed.


A dimension set on a customer, overrides dimensions set on an item. I am afraid there is only the Wiki, , that documents this .
The dimension is only put on the line results to the sales / purchase accounts in GL.


If you are not getting the input tax refunded, then you should set supplier as tax exempt (a gorup with no taxes). And when entering the supplier item lines you should distribute the tax to be included on every line. You could also consult a local accountant for detailed information.


You mentioned it yourself, that you had a rounding error of 0.01. Regulate the last item line so you get the same total as your supplier invoice.


I am not sure, please consult a local accountant.


You will have to distribute the tax on the various items from the supplier, so the all the item lines are included the tax. Eventually rounding errors you could put on the last line. In doubt, please consult a local accountant.



(8 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

The amounts shown in the Journal Entries is always based on the GL Entries. This is not always the same as the amount from the original document. The Journal entry shows the total of the debit column.
The original amounts are shown when you press the document number.

But I see a double amount of the first JE, 1,000,000.00. It should be 500,000.00. However the transaction rows are shown correctly.
I cannot reproduce this.


I don't understand your question. Is this a non tax busines? In that case you should enter your purchase orders, receivals and supplier invoice with the lines included tax. and you should set the tax on the supplier as a non tax group.
When selling you should also set the customers/branches as a non tax group.

If this is not a non tax business, please try to be more detailed in your question. You could also consult an accountant for information on how to enter these kind of transactions.


Did you follow the instructions given in the Wiki, ?
Here is an instruction on how to use the Tax system.



(8 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

This is not necessary. Just explain to me how you can produce doublicate entries. Please explain in detail what you are doing.


Not a problem Kurros smile


No this is correct. 10% of 55.00 is 5.50. 55.00 - 5.50 = 49.50. Right?



(17 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Well I guess the rounding problems is solved by using something like 0.0001 (it has been used in /gl/gl_journal.php.
Or as you suggest 1e-6 is also a good approach. You decide.

I guess you can find my email by pressing my username joe in the left column. You can send the files here.



(10 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

I am a little scared about changing this to be without quotes. Does it work with single quotes?
Did you still have line 135 in your changed file?



(17 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Hi elax,

Please share the fixed files with us when ready.



(3 replies, posted in Reporting)

Well, it would probably look like the Inventory Item Movement.
Look into file /inventory/inquiry/stock_movements.php. It will explain how to do it.
You can do this as a custom report. Look at one of the custom reports at the repository, Setup tab, Install / activate extensions.



(10 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Maybe you can trap some errors by setting the $go_debug to 1 (in comfig.php). Also try the $pdf_debug by setting to 1. It would be nice if we could trap the cause of this error.


Yes, please read the Wiki at the and try the demo or training Co. This will give you an idea about how to solve things.


Please look around in the Bank Accounts. There is a subtype used for Bank accounts.
There are no GL type for Receipt and Remittance. These are only another words for deposits or payments.

It is not possible to add more types to FrontAccounting than those already there.


I am sorry, it is not possible to change the currency for a bank account. You will have to either delete or inactivate the bank account and create another bank account with the correct currency.



(10 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

This is strange. Have you set any of the debugging flags in config.php? F.i. the $pdf_debug to 1 ?
