I am not sure I fully understand your problem.
If you need stock accounting for service items, you will have to set tham as purchased, not service.
If you want more help, please be more specific. F.i. give an example of what you want to do.
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FrontAccounting forum → Posts by joe
I am not sure I fully understand your problem.
If you need stock accounting for service items, you will have to set tham as purchased, not service.
If you want more help, please be more specific. F.i. give an example of what you want to do.
No, this is too complex. You will have to do another correct cost update.
This is the sales_type from the Price List.
Yes this sounds reasonable. We will establish a global variable in config.php file for this to work in the next minor release.
In the meantime you can do the following change in /reporting/rep107.php at line 121
if ($Net != 0.0)
$rep->TextCol(2, 3, $DisplayQty, -2);
$rep->TextCol(3, 4, $myrow2['units'], -2);
$rep->TextCol(4, 5, $DisplayPrice, -2);
$rep->TextCol(5, 6, $DisplayDiscount, -2);
$rep->TextCol(6, 7, $DisplayNet, -2);
If you also want to do this in the deliveries please change adequate in /reporting/rep110.php line 130.
Please go into Company Setup, Setup tab, and unmark the Search Customer List.
Hello Fred,
You go into Access Setup in Setup tab. Select the set of role and lookup the new extension and mark it.
I hope some of the implementors will contribute to this topic. It is easy to be totally confused when trying to follow the algorithms. The only thing is that I know it works. Nobody else have complained.
Thanks, hopefully Janusz will update the repository asap.
Because the BOM is always 'issued' to the work order. Issuing items here is additional.
This is a very complex calculation and has been implemented by several using this fascility. Please be patient. this should work.
Please enter Company Setup in Setup tab. Unmark 'Search Supplier List'. That should do it.
Yes, you need to enter Access Level setup and mark the new extension.
1. I am not sure how to fix this. Maybe some of the users out there can help us.
2-3-4-5. The fill of the fields depends on which type of document it is. Due Date is the last date for paying the invoices.
If you want to change the text, then re-edit the line after it has been added.
Please also read the Wiki, http;//frontaccounting.com/fawiki for more details.
I guess you should consult an accountant. However I think you should create tow tax types, 21 and 23 %.
Also create 2 tax groups (f.i. tax 2011 and tax 2012).
Then when creating documents you should swap the tax group on your customers/suppliers depending on which year you are working on.
I guess this will be the best solution.
When we fixed it a couple of months ago, it was only fixed in the customer transactions. I forgot to fix it correctly in Journal Inquiry.
It should only be allowed to edit the sales invoices when there are no allocations. The complexity is too huge for fixing this.
I see that you have used the Journal Inquiry for editing the sales invoice. The Journal Inquiry shouldn't have allowed you to edit allocated invoices. This is a bug.
In Customer Transactions you are not allowed to edit allocated invoices.
This bug is fixed in HG repository and come in the next minor release.
You can also replace this function on line 106 in /gl/inquiry/journal_inquiry.php.
function edit_link($row)
global $editors;
$ok = true;
if ($row['type'] == ST_SALESINVOICE)
$myrow = get_customer_trans($row["type_no"], $row["type"]);
if ($myrow['alloc'] != 0 || get_voided_entry(ST_SALESINVOICE, $row["type_no"]) !== false)
$ok = false;
return isset($editors[$row["type"]]) && !is_closed_trans($row["type"], $row["type_no"]) && $ok ?
sprintf($editors[$row["type"]], $row["type_no"], $row["type"]),
ICON_EDIT) : '';
ok, elax, please continue report files and lines that need the new floatcmp filter.
The following files have been updated in the HG repository:
Other files will be added as we find more.
The theme exclusive has been updated for this about a month ago. Please re-install.
elax, please add the following lines in /includes/current_user.inc after the function number_format2
/* price/float comparision helper to be used in any suspicious place for zero values?
if (!floatcmp($value1, $value2))
compare value is 0
define('FLOAT_COMP_DELTA', 0.0000001);
function floatcmp($a, $b)
return $a - $b > FLOAT_COMP_DELTA ? 1 : $b - $a > FLOAT_COMP_DELTA ? -1 : 0;
and see if it is ok with the floatcmp.
reporting/rep102.php had alreade a filter in the sql used in the file.
Thanks elan,
If you have a detailed list of these happenings, I will gladly change the filter.
There are no POS module in FA, however there is a simple POS system in the Setup tab.
Maybe there are some UK users here who can give you some tip.
It is not the double precission that causes this problem. Consider the following:
When you pay and allocate customers/suppliers in another currency than the customer/supplier there would occasionally be a small leftover, either positive or negative in the AR/AP ledger. FA does not consider the record as fully paid. That is the reason for doing the check for either 0.0001 or 1e-6 to check that the record is 'paid'.
So I guess we can can continue with double precission.
You should set the AP account on the supplier to be the same as the account you book the debet value from the payment.
Using this approach as you do you should consult an accountant to do the right things.
We do not have the resources to help you with accountancy problems.
In FA it works al follows:
Register the Down Payment (this will also create a GL journal.
Register the Supplier Invoice. After that goto Allocate Supplier Payments or Credit Notes and pickup your Down Payment and allocate your supplier invoice and save it.
This will take care of everything.
Compare the active extensions (those without the ; in front) with your own.
FrontAccounting forum → Posts by joe
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