I was not right @Boxygen, I have just tested again on original dimension entry and the name field did not suggest the earlier values.
The problem is not browser, version or OS.

I guess the meta_forward() function somehow cleared all the earlier values, you may need to dig into Ajax system to find out where it is.

You can check by comment out the meta_forward() statement and see the values stored for the next entry (remember to keep $Ajax->activate('_page_body') ).

ah, the added line

include_once ($path_to_root . "/includes/ui.inc");

is not necessary, because I don't have other files in the clearing folder so the page needs include this to show its elements.

Your demo does not work as expected, Then it should be a browser and version issue / OS issue, as @apmuthu said

Yes, also for items field I tested.

Let's try these codes
I tested on my local machine and the input field suggesting all before values

    Copyright (C) FrontAccounting, LLC.
    Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, GPL,
    as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
    of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    See the License here <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html>.
$page_security = 'SA_DIMENSION';
$path_to_root = "../../..";

include_once ($path_to_root . "/includes/session.inc");
include_once ($path_to_root . "/includes/date_functions.inc");
include_once ($path_to_root . "/includes/data_checks.inc");
include_once ($path_to_root . "/admin/db/tags_db.inc");
include_once ($path_to_root . "/dimensions/includes/dimensions_db.inc");
include_once ($path_to_root . "/modules/clearing/includes/dim_db.inc");
include_once ($path_to_root . "/modules/clearing/includes/dimensions_ui.inc");
include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/ui.inc");

$js = "";
if (user_use_date_picker())
    $js.= get_js_date_picker();
page(_($help_context = "Dimension Entry") , false, false, "", $js);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (isset($_GET['trans_no']))
    $selected_id = $_GET['trans_no'];
elseif (isset($_POST['selected_id']))
    $selected_id = $_POST['selected_id'];
else $selected_id = - 1;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (isset($_GET['AddedID'])) {
    $id = $_GET['AddedID'];
    display_notification_centered(_("The dimension has been entered."));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (isset($_GET['UpdatedID'])) {
    $id = $_GET['UpdatedID'];
    display_notification_centered(_("The dimension has been updated."));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (isset($_GET['DeletedID'])) {
    $id = $_GET['DeletedID'];
    display_notification_centered(_("The dimension has been deleted."));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (isset($_GET['ClosedID'])) {
    $id = $_GET['ClosedID'];
    display_notification_centered(_("The dimension has been closed. There can be no more changes to it.") . " #$id");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (isset($_GET['ReopenedID'])) {
    $id = $_GET['ReopenedID'];
    display_notification_centered(_("The dimension has been re-opened. ") . " #$id");
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function safe_exit() {
    global $path_to_root;
    hyperlink_no_params("", _("Enter a &new dimension"));
    echo "<br />";
    hyperlink_no_params($path_to_root . "/modules/clearing/inquiry/search_dimensions.php", _("&Select an existing dimension"));
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function can_process() {
    global $selected_id, $Refs;
    if ($selected_id == - 1) {
        if (!check_reference($_POST['ref'], ST_DIMENSION)) {
            return false;
    if (strlen($_POST['name']) == 0) {
        display_error(_("The dimension name must be entered."));
        return false;
    if (!is_date($_POST['date_'])) {
        display_error(_("The date entered is in an invalid format."));
        return false;
    if (!is_date($_POST['due_date'])) {
        display_error(_("The required by date entered is in an invalid format."));
        return false;
    return true;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (isset($_POST['ADD_ITEM']) || isset($_POST['UPDATE_ITEM']))
    if (!isset($_POST['dimension_tags'])) $_POST['dimension_tags'] = array();
    if (can_process())
        if ($selected_id == - 1)
            $id = add_dim($_POST['ref'], $_POST['name'], $_POST['type_'], $_POST['date_'], $_POST['due_date'], $_POST['memo_'], $_POST['client'], $_POST['item'], $_POST['POL'], $_POST['mode'], $_POST['volume'], $_POST['weight'], $_POST['cont_no'], $_POST['equip_no'], $_POST['bl_no'], $_POST['bl_date'], $_POST['ETA'], $_POST['doc_copy'], $_POST['doc_org'], $_POST['gd_date'], $_POST['po_duty'], $_POST['po_do'], $_POST['po_wfg'], $_POST['destuff'], $_POST['assessment'], $_POST['delivery'], $_POST['gd_no'], $_POST['igm_no'], $_POST['igm_date'], $_POST['index_no'], $_POST['cash_no'], $_POST['cash_date'], $_POST['value'], $_POST['no_of_pkg'], $_POST['POD'], $_POST['gross_weight']);
            add_tag_associations($id, $_POST['dimension_tags']);
            meta_forward($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "AddedID=$id");
            update_dim($selected_id, $_POST['Dref'], $_POST['name'], $_POST['type_'], $_POST['date_'], $_POST['due_date'], $_POST['memo_'], $_POST['client'], $_POST['item'], $_POST['POL'], $_POST['mode'], $_POST['volume'], $_POST['weight'], $_POST['cont_no'], $_POST['equip_no'], $_POST['bl_no'], $_POST['bl_date'], $_POST['ETA'], $_POST['doc_copy'], $_POST['doc_org'], $_POST['gd_date'], $_POST['po_duty'], $_POST['po_do'], $_POST['po_wfg'], $_POST['destuff'], $_POST['assessment'], $_POST['delivery'], $_POST['gd_no'], $_POST['igm_no'], $_POST['igm_date'], $_POST['index_no'], $_POST['cash_no'], $_POST['cash_date'], $_POST['value'], $_POST['no_of_pkg'], $_POST['POD'], $_POST['gross_weight']);
            update_tag_associations(TAG_DIMENSION, $selected_id, $_POST['dimension_tags']);
            meta_forward($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "UpdatedID=$selected_id");
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (isset($_POST['delete'])) {
    $cancel_delete = false;
    // can't delete it there are productions or issues
    if (dimension_has_payments($selected_id) || dimension_has_deposits($selected_id))     {
        display_error(_("This dimension cannot be deleted because it has already been processed."));
        $cancel_delete = true;
    if ($cancel_delete == false)     { //ie not cancelled the delete as a result of above tests
        // delete
        delete_tag_associations(TAG_DIMENSION, $selected_id, true);
        meta_forward($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "DeletedID=$selected_id");
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (isset($_POST['close'])) {
    // update the closed flag
    meta_forward($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "ClosedID=$selected_id");
if (isset($_POST['reopen'])) {
    // update the closed flag
    meta_forward($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "ReopenedID=$selected_id");
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ($selected_id != - 1) {
    $myrow = get_dimension($selected_id);
    if (strlen($myrow[0]) == 0)
        display_error(_("The dimension sent is not valid."));
    // if it's a closed dimension can't edit it
    // if ($myrow["closed"] == 1)
    // {
    //    display_error(_("This dimension is closed and cannot be edited."));
    //    display_footer_exit();
    // }
    $_POST['ref'] = $myrow["reference"];
    $_POST['closed'] = $myrow["closed"];
    $_POST['name'] = $myrow["name"];
    $_POST['type_'] = $myrow["type_"];
    $_POST['date_'] = sql2date($myrow["date_"]);
    $_POST['due_date'] = sql2date($myrow["due_date"]);
    $_POST['memo_'] = get_comments_string(ST_DIMENSION, $selected_id);
    $tags_result = get_tags_associated_with_record(TAG_DIMENSION, $selected_id);
    $tagids = array();
    while ($tag = db_fetch($tags_result)) $tagids[] = $tag['id'];
    $_POST['dimension_tags'] = $tagids;
    hidden('ref', $_POST['ref']);
    // label_row(_("Dimension Reference:"), $_POST['ref']); //Commented By Faisal
    ref_row(_("Dimension Reference:") , 'Dref', '', $_POST['ref']); //added by faisal
    hidden('selected_id', $selected_id);
} else {
    $_POST['dimension_tags'] = array();
    ref_row(_("Dimension Reference:") , 'ref', '', $Refs->get_next(ST_DIMENSION) , false, ST_DIMENSION);
text_row_ex(_("Name") . ":", 'name', 25, 75);
$dim = get_company_pref('use_dimension');
number_list_row(_("Type") , 'type_', null, 1, $dim);
date_row(_("Start Date") . ":", 'date_');
date_row(_("Date Required By") . ":", 'due_date', '', null, $SysPrefs->default_dimension_required_by());
tag_list_row(_("Tags:") , 'dimension_tags', 5, TAG_DIMENSION, true);
textarea_row(_("Memo:") , 'memo_', null, 40, 5);
text_row(_("Client") . ":", 'client', @$myrow['client'], 25, 75);
text_row(_("Item") . ":", 'item', @$myrow['item'], 25, 75);
text_row(_("POL") . ":", 'POL', @$myrow['POL'], 25, 75);
text_row(_("Mode") . ":", 'mode', @$myrow['mode'], 25, 75);
text_row(_("Volume") . ":", 'volume', @$myrow['volume'], 25, 75);
text_row(_("Weight") . ":", 'weight', @$myrow['weight'], 25, 75);
text_row(_("Container No") . ":", 'cont_no', @$myrow['cont_no'], 25, 75);
text_row(_("Equipment NO") . ":", 'equip_no', @$myrow['equip_no'], 25, 75);
text_row(_("BL No") . ":", 'bl_no', @$myrow['bl_no'], 25, 75);
text_row(_("BL Date") . ":", 'bl_date', @$myrow['bl_date'], 25, 75);
text_row(_("ETA") . ":", 'ETA', @$myrow['ETA'], 25, 75);
text_row(_("Doc Copy") . ":", 'doc_copy', @$myrow['doc_copy'], 25, 75);
text_row(_("Doc Original") . ":", 'doc_org', @$myrow['doc_org'], 25, 75);
text_row(_("GD Date") . ":", 'gd_date', @$myrow['gd_date'], 25, 75);
text_row(_("Duty POrder") . ":", 'po_duty', @$myrow['po_duty'], 25, 75);
text_row(_("DO POrder") . ":", 'po_do', @$myrow['po_do'], 25, 75);
text_row(_("Wharfage POrder") . ":", 'po_wfg', @$myrow['po_wfg'], 25, 75);
text_row(_("Destuff Date") . ":", 'destuff', @$myrow['destuff'], 25, 75);
text_row(_("Assessment Date") . ":", 'assessment', @$myrow['assessment'], 25, 75);
text_row(_("Delivery Date") . ":", 'delivery', @$myrow['delivery'], 25, 75);
text_row(_("GD Number") . ":", 'gd_no', @$myrow['gd_no'], 25, 75);
text_row(_("IGM Number") . ":", 'igm_no', @$myrow['igm_no'], 25, 75);
text_row(_("IGM Date") . ":", 'igm_date', @$myrow['igm_date'], 25, 75);
text_row(_("Index Number") . ":", 'index_no', @$myrow['index_no'], 25, 75);
text_row(_("Cash Number") . ":", 'cash_no', @$myrow['cash_no'], 25, 75);
text_row(_("Cash Date") . ":", 'cash_date', @$myrow['cash_date'], 25, 75);
text_row(_("Value") . ":", 'value', @$myrow['value'], 25, 75);
text_row(_("No Of Pkg") . ":", 'no_of_pkg', @$myrow['no_of_pkg'], 25, 75);
text_row(_("POD") . ":", 'POD', @$myrow['POD'], 25, 75);
text_row(_("Gross Weight") . ":", 'gross_weight', @$myrow['gross_weight'], 25, 75);
if (isset($_POST['closed']) && $_POST['closed'] == 1)
    display_note(_("This Dimension is closed.") , 0, 0, "class='currentfg'");
if ($selected_id != - 1)
    echo "<br />";
    submit_center_first('UPDATE_ITEM', _("Update") , _('Save changes to dimension') , 'default');
    if ($_POST['closed'] == 1)
        submit('reopen', _("Re-open This Dimension") , true, _('Mark this dimension as re-opened') , true);
        submit('close', _("Close This Dimension") , true, _('Mark this dimension as closed') , true);
    submit_center_last('delete', _("Delete This Dimension") , _('Delete unused dimension') , true);
} else {
    submit_center('ADD_ITEM', _("Add") , true, '', 'default');
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I see, because you redirect the page in add_dim() and update_dim() so the Ajax  will never be executed, in this case you have to call $Ajax->activate('_page_body'); before the if(can_process()).
This way just a workaroud for your problem

Try to move


out of the can_process()
I guess if any statement in can_process() fails then $Ajax->activate('_page_body'); will not execute.

Try to add the flowing:

if (isset($_POST['update'])) {

assuming your update button name attribute is update

Yes, maybe is_deduction would be better, I will check soon.

About payslip_no field that's my fault when I did not refer to how to store transactions in FA schema, now to fix this will need changes a lot. I will try to improve it soon, maybe next month.

Great to see that we can now installing 3rd modules without any permission.

No @apmuthu, it will be incremented every time we add accounts in the Payroll Accounts page

stefan wrote:

Great module!
Is the printing active in the demo, I can't find it.

I missed a step in the instruction which I wrote myself.
Thanks @stefan, updated.


(24 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Alaa wrote:

great work really..
any update soon?

Next will have a comment system for tasks, but not soon @Alaa


(24 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

The date based tasks filter was created


(24 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

boxygen wrote:

Great work @notrinos. What is the difference between Ready Tasks and Done Tasks?

Secondly  if tasks list go longer then there shall be filter option based on dates I think

Good ideal @Boxygen, this will be implemented soon.

You should try to comment out $this->Line() one by one in the header2.inc and see the changes, and comment out line 71 of this file to disable the logo.
I have not tested it.


(24 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

apmuthu wrote:

@notrinos: replace CRLF with LF (Unix line endings) in the 2 jquery files in your js folder and you may want to update your README.md to this one.

Thanks @apmuthu, those have been updated, but I'm not sure I understand what is line endings.


(24 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

The initial features are working now, the demo and source code have been updated.


(24 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Yes, indeed. There maybe a problem in server so javascript was not running, the demo will be updated soon


(24 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

From now on FA has one more open source extension for Project Management.
This extension uses Kanban method to visualizer your work flow.

What is Kanban ?

- It is a scheduling system for tracking work flow developed by Taiichi Ohno from Toyota
- Kanban became an effective tool to support running a production system as a whole
- Helps you to identify potential bottlenecks in your process and fix them so work can flow through it cost-effectively at an optimal speed or throughput.

Read more about Kanban in the Wikipedia

Source codes


Look forward for the feedbacks to make this better.

Ah, I caught the point, right.

Would it be better to make popup links instead ?

I have found google does not convert following currencies STD,  ITL, IRR, FRF, DEM, VND, BYR to USD but it does opposite (USD to those currencies).

Should we change lines 213-225 of gl_db_rates.inc

elseif ($provider == 'GOOGLE')
        $val = '';
        $regexp = "%([\d|.]+)\s+{$curr_a}\s+=\s+<span\sclass=(.*)>([\d|.]+)\s+{$curr_b}\s*</span>%s";
        if (preg_match($regexp, $contents, $matches)) 
            $val = $matches[3];
            $val = str_replace(',', '', $val);
            if ($val != 0)
                $val = 1 / $val;


    elseif ($provider == 'GOOGLE')
        $val = '';
        $regexp = "%([\d|.]+)\s+{$curr_a}\s+=\s+<span\sclass=(.*)>([\d|.]+)\s+{$curr_b}\s*</span>%s";
        if (preg_match($regexp, $contents, $matches)) 
            $val = $matches[3];
            $val = str_replace(',', '', $val);
            if ($val != 0)
                $val = 1 / $val;
// Start of New Code lines
        if(!$val) {
                $filename = "/finance/converter?a=1&from={$curr_b}&to={$curr_a}";
                $regexp = "%([\d|.]+)\s+{$curr_b}\s+=\s+<span\sclass=(.*)>([\d|.]+)\s+{$curr_a}\s*</span>%s";
                $contents = url_get_contents("http://".$site.$filename);
                if (preg_match($regexp, $contents, $matches))  {
                    $val = $matches[3];
                    $val = str_replace(',', '', $val);
// End of New code lines

to adapting to the google's issue ?

if this issue will not be solved FA will shows folowing red error comment:
number_format() expects parameter 2 to be integer, float given in file: C:\xampp\htdocs\fa243\includes\current_user.inc at line 318

System show the red comment Upgrade MySQL server to version at least 4.1 while my database version is 10.1.28-MariaDB.

I think all versions of MariaDB are ok for FA so line 27 of system_test.inc needs to be changed to:

$test['result'] = $test['test']>='4.1' || explode('-', $test['test'])[1] == 'MariaDB';

To avoid the user's misread.

I think the check must be called after the page display because it calls end_page

function check_db_has_suppliers($msg)
    global $path_to_root;
    if (!db_has_suppliers())
        display_error($msg, true);

Yes, it occurs when create new invoice or credit note while no supplier defined.

Supplier Invoices and Supplier Credit Notes appear as white screen on fresh install without demo data.


Perhaps function check_db_has_suppliers() was called before the function page() called.