Topic: European number format entry gives error

FrontAccounting let me set the character for decimal separator and thousand separator. I have set those to a comma for decimal separator and a dot for thousand separator (European setting). Now all numbers are shown correctly but when I enter a decimal value like '123,45' I get an error. The current workaround for me is to enter decimals with a dot instead of a comma. After putting in numbers in this form they are shown correctly.

Hopefully this can be corrected in a future version :-)

Hans Peter.

Re: European number format entry gives error

Yes, Hans Peter, we are aware of this. The problem is that we have to convert the numeric values when moving it to and from the database. But we are trying to fix it.


Re: European number format entry gives error

I've two news for you softechmatrix - a bad and a good one, as usually.

First one is that this issue needs so much effort to fix that we've not decide to implement it in FrontAccounting 1.xx.

The good news is that today I've just uploaded to CVS huge pack of fixes which adds this feature to current development source. In other words this is implemented and will be released with FrontAccounting 2.0.

In mean time you can test it on demo site for unstable version (
Enjoy smile


Re: European number format entry gives error

By which date 2.0 is expected to be ready for download


Re: European number format entry gives error

Version 2.0 is to be released sometime at late spring (april/may - Joe's post on mailing list), after all planned functional additions and bugfixes are done. The more user reponse the earlier it wil be ready.

Anyway in mean time you can get it in current state from CVS unstable branch.
