Topic: Entering Old Records


I have a small volume of transactions over four years that would be reasonable to re-enter (I am full time parenting and consult on the rare occasion). I don't have bank accounts or bank reconciliation to do (sole proprietorship and shared personal bank account). Can I enter transactions into FA over multiple years? ...can they be entered out of order? ...any problems to avoid?

(Some other year I'll incorporate, and add banking, to another FA database.)


Re: Entering Old Records

Making entries out of order is generally not advisable. However, the ability to enter / edit transactions in prior fiscal years is available if enabled under role permissions - this feature is for those who perform batch-wise historic book keeping.

All transactions pertaining to one fiscal year must be entered in order (date-wise) when that fiscal year is made the active one for the company, the earliest fiscal first.

Re: Entering Old Records

Hi apmuthu,

So, if I understand correctly, I have to work within each current fiscal year, and pre-sort my transaction history by date. If I later find an error was made during entry, I can make changes to prior fiscal years (if enabled), but this should be considered a last resort.

Thank you for the reply

Re: Entering Old Records

Caveat: Provided you have not closed any of the succeeding fiscal years.