1 (edited by cristiart 04/04/2018 04:08:06 pm)

Topic: Change items order

It will be very helpful to be able to drag and drop items to rearrange the order. For a manufacturing company you're constantly changing the configuration of items, specially for quotes purposes. This way you can group items by properties...

Group Items - Living room

Group Items - Dining room

Group Item - what ever

Now, if the customer want to add "item4" in Group Living Room, this item will be added to the end of the list, making it very difficult to keep track of what you are ordering/customizing.

Re: Change items order

The same item can be in Living Room and in Dining Room say like a Chair. If an item can only belong to one group, then name them like:
Living Room Item 1
Living Room Item 2
Dining Room Item 1
Dining Room Item 2

Re: Change items order

yes but if the customer wants to add "living room item 3" to this order, then the items list look like:

Living Room Item 1
Living Room Item 2
Dining Room Item 1
Dining Room Item 2
Living Room Item 3

do you see the problem? and if you have multiple items, it's hard to keep track of items

Re: Change items order

Here's a better example: https://ibb.co/irCVgc

This is how I config my sales/quotes orders.

Now, if customer calls and wants to purchase another item for living room, that item will be added last in the list, and fulfilling this order is nothing but a puzzle

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