Topic: Budget Entry doesnt save

No mater what I do, Budget Entry does not seem to save. 0_budget_trans always remains empty. No error log.
Any ideas?

Re: Budget Entry doesnt save


Oh yes, they are saved. Just press the Get button after you have selected the Fiscal Year and Account / Dimension.


Re: Budget Entry doesnt save

Nope, Nothing added to the table.

But...After poking around, it looks like things are failing because of a missing memo_ field:

DATABASE ERROR : The GL budget transaction could not be saved
error code : 1054
error message : Unknown column 'memo_' in 'field list'
sql that failed was : INSERT INTO 0_budget_trans (tran_date, account, dimension_id, dimension2_id, amount, memo_) VALUES ('2018-01-01', '0010', '0', '0', '0', '')

I just added the new field to the table (I just copied the field structure from 0_comments.memo_) and it now seems to save.

Re: Budget Entry doesnt save

Which Chart of Accounts are you using and where and when did you get it from?
Was it upgraded from an earlier FA v2.3.x?

A few sql upgrade scripts merely add an new field instead of positioning them to be in synch with the field order in the latest sql/en_US-new.sql file. Even some charts in the official pkg repo too need to have their fields and tables synched likewise. A more uptodate set of charts are in my FA24extensions repo.

There are 5 tables that have the memo_ field and their order can be checked from the attachment herein with that in your backup.

Online MySQL Schema Compare
DBDiff @ Github
Discussion @ StackOverflow

Post's attachments

memo_ fields in FA 2.4.x.png 12 kb, 1 downloads since 2018-02-26 

You don't have the permssions to download the attachments of this post.

Re: Budget Entry doesnt save

I dont really remember what the first version installed was - I first installed around 2015, so whatever was current at the time.  Initially I used the "US COA for a nonprofit company" and modified it as needed.

I just plugged the above sql/en_US-new.sql and a structure dump of my working database into the above Online MySQL Schema Compare and this is what it returned.
Do I want to run this SQL to update my schema?  Is this safe?

DROP TABLE `0_amortisation`;
ALTER TABLE `0_areas` MODIFY `description` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
DROP TABLE `0_asset_types`;
DROP TABLE `0_asset_valuations`;
DROP TABLE `0_assets`;
ALTER TABLE `0_attachments` MODIFY `description` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_attachments` MODIFY `filename` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_attachments` MODIFY `filetype` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_attachments` MODIFY `unique_name` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_audit_trail` MODIFY `description` varchar(60) default NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_audit_trail` MODIFY `fiscal_year` int(11) NOT NULL default 0;
ALTER TABLE `0_audit_trail` MODIFY `stamp` timestamp NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_bank_accounts` MODIFY `account_code` varchar(15) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_bank_accounts` MODIFY `bank_account_name` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_bank_accounts` MODIFY `bank_account_number` varchar(100) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_bank_accounts` MODIFY `bank_address` tinytext;
ALTER TABLE `0_bank_accounts` MODIFY `bank_charge_act` varchar(15) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_bank_accounts` MODIFY `bank_curr_code` char(3) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_bank_accounts` MODIFY `bank_name` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_bank_trans` MODIFY `bank_act` varchar(15) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_bank_trans` MODIFY `ref` varchar(40) default NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_bom` MODIFY `component` char(20) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_bom` MODIFY `loc_code` char(5) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_bom` MODIFY `parent` char(20) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_budget_trans` MODIFY `account` varchar(15) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_budget_trans` MODIFY `memo_` tinytext NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_chart_class` MODIFY `cid` varchar(3) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_chart_class` MODIFY `class_name` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_chart_master` MODIFY `account_code2` varchar(15) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_chart_master` MODIFY `account_code` varchar(15) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_chart_master` MODIFY `account_name` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_chart_master` MODIFY `account_type` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '0';
ALTER TABLE `0_chart_types` MODIFY `class_id` varchar(3) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_chart_types` MODIFY `id` varchar(10) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_chart_types` MODIFY `name` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_chart_types` MODIFY `parent` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '-1';
ALTER TABLE `0_comments` MODIFY `memo_` tinytext;
ALTER TABLE `0_credit_status` MODIFY `reason_description` char(100) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_crm_categories` MODIFY `action` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'detailed usage e.g. department';
ALTER TABLE `0_crm_categories` MODIFY `description` tinytext NOT NULL COMMENT 'usage description';
ALTER TABLE `0_crm_categories` MODIFY `name` varchar(30) NOT NULL COMMENT 'for category selector';
ALTER TABLE `0_crm_categories` MODIFY `type` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'contact type e.g. customer';
ALTER TABLE `0_crm_contacts` DROP `action`;
ALTER TABLE `0_crm_contacts` MODIFY `entity_id` varchar(11) default NULL COMMENT 'entity id in related class table';
ALTER TABLE `0_crm_contacts` DROP `type`;
ALTER TABLE `0_crm_contacts` MODIFY `action` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'foreign key to crm_categories';
ALTER TABLE `0_crm_persons` MODIFY `address` tinytext;
ALTER TABLE `0_crm_persons` MODIFY `email` varchar(100) default NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_crm_persons` MODIFY `fax` varchar(30) default NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_crm_persons` MODIFY `lang` char(5) default NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_crm_persons` MODIFY `name2` varchar(60) default NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_crm_persons` MODIFY `name` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_crm_persons` MODIFY `notes` tinytext NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_crm_persons` MODIFY `phone2` varchar(30) default NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_crm_persons` MODIFY `phone` varchar(30) default NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_crm_persons` MODIFY `ref` varchar(30) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_currencies` MODIFY `country` varchar(100) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_currencies` MODIFY `curr_abrev` char(3) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_currencies` MODIFY `curr_symbol` varchar(10) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_currencies` MODIFY `currency` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_currencies` MODIFY `hundreds_name` varchar(15) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_cust_allocations` DROP INDEX `person_id`;
ALTER TABLE `0_cust_allocations` ADD UNIQUE `trans_type_from` (`person_id`,`trans_type_from`,`trans_no_from`,`trans_type_to`,`trans_no_to`);
ALTER TABLE `0_cust_branch` MODIFY `bank_account` varchar(60) DEFAULT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_cust_branch` MODIFY `br_address` tinytext NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_cust_branch` MODIFY `br_name` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_cust_branch` MODIFY `br_post_address` tinytext NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_cust_branch` MODIFY `branch_ref` varchar(30) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_cust_branch` MODIFY `default_location` varchar(5) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_cust_branch` MODIFY `notes` tinytext NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_cust_branch` MODIFY `payment_discount_account` varchar(15) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_cust_branch` MODIFY `receivables_account` varchar(15) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_cust_branch` MODIFY `sales_account` varchar(15) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_cust_branch` MODIFY `sales_discount_account` varchar(15) NOT NULL;
DROP TABLE `0_dashboard_reminders`;
DROP TABLE `0_dashboard_widgets`;
ALTER TABLE `0_debtor_trans` MODIFY `reference` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_debtor_trans` MODIFY PRIMARY KEY (`type`,`trans_no`,`debtor_no`);
ALTER TABLE `0_debtor_trans_details` MODIFY `description` tinytext;
ALTER TABLE `0_debtor_trans_details` MODIFY `stock_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_debtor_trans_details` ADD KEY (`src_id`);
ALTER TABLE `0_debtor_trans_details` DROP INDEX `src_id`;
ALTER TABLE `0_debtors_master` MODIFY `address` tinytext;
ALTER TABLE `0_debtors_master` MODIFY `curr_code` char(3) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_debtors_master` MODIFY `debtor_ref` varchar(30) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_debtors_master` MODIFY `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_debtors_master` MODIFY `notes` tinytext NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_debtors_master` MODIFY `tax_id` varchar(55) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_dimensions` MODIFY `name` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_dimensions` MODIFY `reference` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_exchange_rates` MODIFY `curr_code` char(3) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_gl_trans` MODIFY `account` varchar(15) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_gl_trans` MODIFY `memo_` tinytext NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_grn_batch` MODIFY `loc_code` varchar(5) default NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_grn_batch` MODIFY `rate` double NULL default '1';
ALTER TABLE `0_grn_batch` MODIFY `reference` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_grn_items` MODIFY `description` tinytext;
ALTER TABLE `0_grn_items` MODIFY `item_code` varchar(20) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_groups` MODIFY `description` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
DROP TABLE `0_import_paypal`;
DROP TABLE `0_import_paypal_accounts`;
ALTER TABLE `0_item_codes` MODIFY `description` varchar(200) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_item_codes` MODIFY `item_code` varchar(20) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_item_codes` MODIFY `stock_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_item_tax_types` MODIFY `name` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_item_units` MODIFY `abbr` varchar(20) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_item_units` MODIFY `name` varchar(40) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_journal` MODIFY `currency` char(3) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_journal` MODIFY `reference` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_journal` MODIFY `source_ref` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_loc_stock` MODIFY `loc_code` char(5) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_loc_stock` MODIFY `stock_id` char(20) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_locations` MODIFY `contact` varchar(30) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_locations` MODIFY `delivery_address` tinytext NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_locations` MODIFY `email` varchar(100) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_locations` MODIFY `fax` varchar(30) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_locations` MODIFY `loc_code` varchar(5) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_locations` MODIFY `location_name` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_locations` MODIFY `phone2` varchar(30) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_locations` MODIFY `phone` varchar(30) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_payment_terms` MODIFY `terms` char(80) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_prices` MODIFY `curr_abrev` char(3) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_prices` MODIFY `stock_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_print_profiles` MODIFY `profile` varchar(30) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_print_profiles` MODIFY `report` varchar(5) default NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_printers` MODIFY `description` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_printers` MODIFY `host` varchar(40) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_printers` MODIFY `name` varchar(20) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_printers` MODIFY `queue` varchar(20) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_purch_data` MODIFY `stock_id` char(20) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_purch_data` MODIFY `supplier_description` char(50) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_purch_data` MODIFY `suppliers_uom` char(50) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_purch_order_details` MODIFY `description` tinytext;
ALTER TABLE `0_purch_order_details` MODIFY `item_code` varchar(20) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_purch_orders` MODIFY `comments` tinytext;
ALTER TABLE `0_purch_orders` MODIFY `delivery_address` tinytext NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_purch_orders` MODIFY `into_stock_location` varchar(5) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_purch_orders` MODIFY `reference` tinytext NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_purch_orders` MODIFY `requisition_no` tinytext;
ALTER TABLE `0_quick_entries` MODIFY `base_desc` varchar(60) default NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_quick_entries` MODIFY `description` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_quick_entries` MODIFY `usage` varchar(120) NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_quick_entry_lines` MODIFY `action` varchar(2) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_quick_entry_lines` MODIFY `dest_id` varchar(15) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_quick_entry_lines` MODIFY `memo` tinytext NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_recurrent_invoices` MODIFY `description` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_reflines` MODIFY `description` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_reflines` MODIFY `pattern` varchar(35) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1';
ALTER TABLE `0_reflines` MODIFY `prefix` char(5) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_reflines` DROP INDEX `prefix`, ADD UNIQUE `prefix` (`trans_type`, `prefix`);
ALTER TABLE `0_refs` MODIFY `reference` varchar(100) NOT NULL;
DROP TABLE `0_requisition_details`;
DROP TABLE `0_requisitions`;
ALTER TABLE `0_sales_order_details` MODIFY `description` tinytext;
ALTER TABLE `0_sales_order_details` MODIFY `stk_code` varchar(20) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_sales_orders` MODIFY `comments` tinytext;
ALTER TABLE `0_sales_orders` MODIFY `contact_email` varchar(100) default NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_sales_orders` MODIFY `contact_phone` varchar(30) default NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_sales_orders` MODIFY `customer_ref` tinytext NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_sales_orders` MODIFY `deliver_to` tinytext NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_sales_orders` MODIFY `delivery_address` tinytext NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_sales_orders` MODIFY `from_stk_loc` varchar(5) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_sales_orders` MODIFY `reference` varchar(100) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_sales_pos` MODIFY `pos_location` varchar(5) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_sales_pos` MODIFY `pos_name` varchar(30) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_sales_types` MODIFY `sales_type` char(50) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_salesman` MODIFY `salesman_email` varchar(100) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_salesman` MODIFY `salesman_fax` char(30) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_salesman` MODIFY `salesman_name` char(60) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_salesman` MODIFY `salesman_phone` char(30) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_security_roles` MODIFY `areas` text;
ALTER TABLE `0_security_roles` MODIFY `description` varchar(50) default NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_security_roles` MODIFY `role` varchar(30) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_security_roles` MODIFY `sections` text;
ALTER TABLE `0_shippers` MODIFY `address` tinytext NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_shippers` MODIFY `contact` tinytext NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_shippers` MODIFY `phone2` varchar(30) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_shippers` MODIFY `phone` varchar(30) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_shippers` MODIFY `shipper_name` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_sql_trail` MODIFY `msg` varchar(255) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_sql_trail` MODIFY `sql` text NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_category` MODIFY `description` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_category` MODIFY `dflt_adjustment_act` varchar(15) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_category` MODIFY `dflt_cogs_act` varchar(15) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_category` MODIFY `dflt_inventory_act` varchar(15) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_category` MODIFY `dflt_mb_flag` char(1) NOT NULL default 'B';
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_category` MODIFY `dflt_sales_act` varchar(15) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_category` MODIFY `dflt_units` varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'each';
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_category` MODIFY `dflt_wip_act` varchar(15) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_fa_class` MODIFY `description` varchar(200) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_fa_class` MODIFY `fa_class_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_fa_class` MODIFY `long_description` tinytext NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_fa_class` MODIFY `parent_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_master` MODIFY `adjustment_account` varchar(15) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_master` MODIFY `cogs_account` varchar(15) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_master` MODIFY `depreciation_factor` double NOT NULL DEFAULT '1';
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_master` MODIFY `depreciation_method` char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'S';
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_master` MODIFY `description` varchar(200) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_master` MODIFY `fa_class_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_master` MODIFY `inventory_account` varchar(15) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_master` MODIFY `long_description` tinytext NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_master` MODIFY `mb_flag` char(1) NOT NULL default 'B';
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_master` MODIFY `sales_account` varchar(15) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_master` MODIFY `stock_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_master` MODIFY `units` varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'each';
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_master` MODIFY `wip_account` varchar(15) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_moves` MODIFY `loc_code` char(5) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_moves` MODIFY `reference` char(40) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_moves` MODIFY `stock_id` char(20) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_supp_allocations` DROP INDEX `person_id`;
ALTER TABLE `0_supp_allocations` ADD UNIQUE `trans_type_from` (`person_id`,`trans_type_from`,`trans_no_from`,`trans_type_to`,`trans_no_to`);
ALTER TABLE `0_supp_invoice_items` MODIFY `description` tinytext;
ALTER TABLE `0_supp_invoice_items` MODIFY `gl_code` varchar(15) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_supp_invoice_items` MODIFY `memo_` tinytext;
ALTER TABLE `0_supp_invoice_items` MODIFY `stock_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_supp_trans` MODIFY `reference` tinytext NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_supp_trans` MODIFY `supp_reference` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_supp_trans` MODIFY PRIMARY KEY (`type`,`trans_no`,`supplier_id`);
ALTER TABLE `0_suppliers` MODIFY `address` tinytext NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_suppliers` MODIFY `bank_account` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_suppliers` MODIFY `contact` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_suppliers` MODIFY `curr_code` char(3) default NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_suppliers` MODIFY `gst_no` varchar(25) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_suppliers` MODIFY `notes` tinytext NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_suppliers` MODIFY `payable_account` varchar(15) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_suppliers` MODIFY `payment_discount_account` varchar(15) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_suppliers` MODIFY `purchase_account` varchar(15) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_suppliers` MODIFY `supp_account_no` varchar(40) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_suppliers` MODIFY `supp_address` tinytext NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_suppliers` MODIFY `supp_name` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_suppliers` MODIFY `supp_ref` varchar(30) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_suppliers` MODIFY `website` varchar(100) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_sys_prefs` MODIFY `category` varchar(30) default NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_sys_prefs` MODIFY `name` varchar(35) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_sys_prefs` MODIFY `type` varchar(20) NOT NULL;
DROP TABLE `0_sys_types`;
ALTER TABLE `0_tag_associations` MODIFY `record_id` varchar(15) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_tags` MODIFY `description` varchar(60) default NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_tags` MODIFY `name` varchar(30) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_tax_groups` MODIFY `name` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_tax_types` MODIFY `name` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_tax_types` MODIFY `purchasing_gl_code` varchar(15) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_tax_types` MODIFY `sales_gl_code` varchar(15) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_trans_tax_details` MODIFY `memo` tinytext;
ALTER TABLE `0_useronline` MODIFY `file` varchar(100) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_useronline` MODIFY `ip` varchar(40) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_users` MODIFY `def_print_destination` tinyint(1) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_users` MODIFY `def_print_orientation` tinyint(1) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_users` MODIFY `email` varchar(100) default NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_users` MODIFY `language` varchar(20) default NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_users` MODIFY `page_size` varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'A4';
ALTER TABLE `0_users` MODIFY `password` varchar(100) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_users` MODIFY `phone` varchar(30) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_users` MODIFY `print_profile` varchar(30) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_users` MODIFY `real_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_users` MODIFY `save_report_selections` smallint(6) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_users` MODIFY `startup_tab` varchar(20) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_users` MODIFY `theme` varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'default';
ALTER TABLE `0_users` MODIFY `transaction_days` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '30';
ALTER TABLE `0_users` MODIFY `use_date_picker` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1';
ALTER TABLE `0_users` MODIFY `user_id` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_voided` MODIFY `memo_` tinytext NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_wo_issue_items` MODIFY `stock_id` varchar(40) default NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_wo_issues` MODIFY `loc_code` varchar(5) default NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_wo_issues` MODIFY `reference` varchar(100) default NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_wo_manufacture` MODIFY `reference` varchar(100) default NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_wo_requirements` MODIFY `loc_code` char(5) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_wo_requirements` MODIFY `stock_id` char(20) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_workcentres` MODIFY `description` char(50) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_workcentres` MODIFY `name` char(40) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_workorders` MODIFY `loc_code` varchar(5) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_workorders` MODIFY `stock_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_workorders` MODIFY `wo_ref` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
DROP TABLE `xx_reports`;

ALTER TABLE `0_cust_allocations` ADD UNIQUE `trans_type_from` (`person_id`,`trans_type_from`,`trans_no_from`,`trans_type_to`,`trans_no_to`);
ALTER TABLE `0_cust_branch` ADD `bank_account` varchar(60) DEFAULT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_cust_branch` DROP `contact_name`;
ALTER TABLE `0_cust_branch` DROP `disable_trans`;
ALTER TABLE `0_cust_branch` DROP INDEX `branch_code`;
DROP TABLE `0_dashboard_reminders`;
DROP TABLE `0_dashboard_widgets`;
ALTER TABLE `0_debtor_trans` MODIFY `debtor_no` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_debtor_trans` ADD `prep_amount` double NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
ALTER TABLE `0_debtor_trans` ADD `tax_included` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0';
ALTER TABLE `0_debtor_trans` MODIFY PRIMARY KEY (`type`,`trans_no`,`debtor_no`);
ALTER TABLE `0_debtor_trans_details` ADD KEY (`src_id`);
ALTER TABLE `0_debtor_trans_details` DROP INDEX `src_id`;
ALTER TABLE `0_gl_trans` MODIFY `type_no` int(11) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_grn_batch` ADD `rate` double NULL default '1';
DROP TABLE `0_import_paypal`;
DROP TABLE `0_import_paypal_accounts`;
ALTER TABLE `0_journal` MODIFY `currency` char(3) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_journal` MODIFY `reference` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_journal` MODIFY `source_ref` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_loc_stock` MODIFY `reorder_level` double NOT NULL default '0';
ALTER TABLE `0_locations` ADD `fixed_asset` tinyint(1) NOT NULL;
DROP TABLE `0_movement_types`;
ALTER TABLE `0_purch_order_details` ADD INDEX `itemcode` (`item_code`);
ALTER TABLE `0_purch_orders` ADD `alloc` double NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
ALTER TABLE `0_purch_orders` ADD `prep_amount` double NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
ALTER TABLE `0_quick_entries` ADD `usage` varchar(120) NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_quick_entry_lines` ADD `memo` tinytext NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_reflines` MODIFY `description` varchar(60) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_reflines` MODIFY `pattern` varchar(35) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1';
ALTER TABLE `0_reflines` MODIFY `prefix` char(5) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_reflines` DROP INDEX `prefix`, ADD UNIQUE `prefix` (`trans_type`, `prefix`);
DROP TABLE `0_requisition_details`;
DROP TABLE `0_requisitions`;
ALTER TABLE `0_sales_order_details` ADD `invoiced` double NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
ALTER TABLE `0_sales_order_details` ADD INDEX `stkcode` (`stk_code`);
ALTER TABLE `0_sales_orders` ADD `alloc` double NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
ALTER TABLE `0_sales_orders` ADD `prep_amount` double NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_category` DROP `dflt_assembly_act`;
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_category` ADD `dflt_no_purchase` tinyint(1) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_category` ADD `dflt_wip_act` varchar(15) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_fa_class` MODIFY `description` varchar(200) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_fa_class` MODIFY `fa_class_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_fa_class` MODIFY `long_description` tinytext NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_fa_class` MODIFY `parent_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_master` DROP `actual_cost`;
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_master` DROP `assembly_account`;
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_master` ADD `depreciation_date` date NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00';
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_master` ADD `depreciation_factor` double NOT NULL DEFAULT '1';
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_master` ADD `depreciation_method` char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'S';
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_master` ADD `depreciation_rate` double NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_master` ADD `depreciation_start` date NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00';
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_master` ADD `fa_class_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_master` DROP `last_cost`;
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_master` ADD `no_purchase` tinyint(1) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_master` ADD `purchase_cost` double NOT NULL default '0';
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_master` ADD `wip_account` varchar(15) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_moves` DROP `discount_percent`;
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_moves` DROP `person_id`;
ALTER TABLE `0_stock_moves` DROP `visible`;
ALTER TABLE `0_supp_allocations` ADD `person_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_supp_allocations` ADD UNIQUE `trans_type_from` (`person_id`,`trans_type_from`,`trans_no_from`,`trans_type_to`,`trans_no_to`);
ALTER TABLE `0_supp_invoice_items` ADD `dimension2_id` int(11) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_supp_invoice_items` ADD `dimension_id` int(11) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_supp_trans` MODIFY `supplier_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_supp_trans` DROP INDEX `SupplierID_2`;
ALTER TABLE `0_supp_trans` DROP INDEX `type`;
ALTER TABLE `0_supp_trans` MODIFY PRIMARY KEY (`type`,`trans_no`,`supplier_id`);
DROP TABLE `0_sys_types`;
ALTER TABLE `0_tax_group_items` DROP `rate`;
ALTER TABLE `0_tax_group_items` ADD `tax_shipping` tinyint(1) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_tax_groups` DROP `tax_shipping`;
ALTER TABLE `0_trans_tax_details` ADD `reg_type` tinyint(1) default NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_users` ADD `def_print_destination` tinyint(1) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_users` ADD `def_print_orientation` tinyint(1) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_users` ADD `save_report_selections` smallint(6) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_users` ADD `transaction_days` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '30';
ALTER TABLE `0_users` ADD `use_date_picker` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1';
ALTER TABLE `0_wo_issue_items` ADD `unit_cost` double NOT NULL default '0';
ALTER TABLE `0_wo_requirements` DROP `std_cost`;
ALTER TABLE `0_wo_requirements` ADD `unit_cost` double NOT NULL default '0';
DROP TABLE `xx_reports`;

Re: Budget Entry doesnt save

OK, there is something funny about the output of "Online MySQL Schema Compare" - It looks like much of its output is altering tables to already existing conditions.  I may have to manually compare them table by table.

Re: Budget Entry doesnt save

For now, focus on the field order in the tables where memo_ is present in your output above, especially in the first one below:

ALTER TABLE `0_budget_trans` MODIFY `memo_` tinytext NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_comments` MODIFY `memo_` tinytext;
ALTER TABLE `0_gl_trans` MODIFY `memo_` tinytext NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `0_supp_invoice_items` MODIFY `memo_` tinytext;
ALTER TABLE `0_voided` MODIFY `memo_` tinytext NOT NULL;

Do not make any change to your current schema unless you are sure of the direction of change (from which schema to which) for now.

Re: Budget Entry doesnt save

I modified `0_budget_trans` moving the fields into the correct order.  The other tables are OK.
I'm wondering how important the column order is?  Aren't all fields referred to by name so the order doesn't matter?

BTW, from Company setup: Database Scheme Version    2.4.1


Re: Budget Entry doesnt save

I have the same problem; Budget entries doesn't save. PHP-version: 7.1.15, FA-version: 2.4.4, MySQL: 5.6.29.
I can see that '0_budget_trans' contains only 12 fields and not the field 'memo_'.
Should I just add the field?
When I upgraded to 2.4 recently, I made a fresh install as recommended. Did I miss something??

Re: Budget Entry doesnt save

The table definition of the 0_budget_trans table in FA 2.4.x is:

CREATE TABLE `0_budget_trans` (
  `tran_date` date NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00',
  `account` varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `memo_` tinytext COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `amount` double NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `dimension_id` int(11) DEFAULT '0',
  `dimension2_id` int(11) DEFAULT '0',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `Account` (`account`,`tran_date`,`dimension_id`,`dimension2_id`)

It has just 7 fields and the memo_ field is the 4th one.

Which Chart of Accounts did you start out with?

Re: Budget Entry doesnt save

I didn't change Charts of Account since version 2.3.something.
I would guess I would loose historical data if I just start on a new from upload?
Did I miss a step during the upgrade?

Re: Budget Entry doesnt save

Which Chart of Accounts did you start out in FA 2.3?
Do you have a backup before upgrade?
Can you check out the differences between the pre-upgrade sql schema and that of the last FA 2.3.26 version's sql/en_US-new.sql?

You should have done all this and then upgraded to FA v2.3.26 and then if all was well, attempt to do an upgrade to FA 2.4.4 and then verify that the resultant schema is in consonance with the tables and field orders and the new config.php settings and new sys_prefs table records - above all, the schema being in synch with the latest sql/en_US-new.sql.

Re: Budget Entry doesnt save

Thank you. Looking back at my notes I can see, that an upgrade was made from 2.3.25 to 2.3.26 and then to 2.42.
When I compare the fields in '0_chart_master' before and after they are identical:
account_code varchar(15)
account_code2 varchar (15)
account_name varchar(60)
account_type varchar(10)
inactive tinyint(1)

Does this indicate that everything is ok?

Re: Budget Entry doesnt save

First off, I assume that you have no extensions installed that need db modifications.

A similar DB schema check will need to be done for all tables and for all records in lookup tables.
Note that the default document numbering system now has a pattern template in FA 2.4.x.

Some Chart of Accounts in FA 2.3.x and even in FA 2.4.x have field order differences with the standard sql/en_US-new.sql chart.

After synch-ing the chart, then see if an upgrade withing FA is necessary (Setup=>Software Upgrade). In each instance backup before and after such interventions.

Re: Budget Entry doesnt save

Ditto. same here. Entering budget in Budget Entry doesn't save it.
Same goes after you select GET after choosing Financial Year and Dimension

version 2.4.3 - new installation. not an upgrade from previous version

I'm using Indonesian's Chart of Accounts. Any chance that may be the 'culprit' ?

innovation-driven technology

16 (edited by aleifuuwork 07/18/2018 01:35:14 am)

Re: Budget Entry doesnt save

This scenario happens to me too. and thanks to's, the missing 'memo_' field on budget_trans is the culprit

I'm using v2.4.3 with Indonesian's 4 Digit COA. I can confirm that in apmuthu's GitHub the 'memo_' field is there, it's probably didn't make way to official sourceforge yet ? That's the FA version that I downloaded and what currently in use

After adding the 'memo_' field, I now notice something FUNNY with datepicker.js ( It complains 404 ! when you want to pick a date ). I have no idea where it comes from; I swear the only modification I made was adding the 'memo_' field to my budget_trans table. There's no correlation between these two, right ?

innovation-driven technology

Re: Budget Entry doesnt save

date_picker.js is created for the specific date choices in the config.php and placed in the company/#/js_cache/#/ folder where "#" is company index number.

The function get_js_date_picker() in includes/ui/ includes the said file and generates the js include code based on user select options.

Hence purge the said file in the js_cache and it should get generated anew and all should be well.

18 (edited by aleifuuwork 07/19/2018 08:13:14 am)

Re: Budget Entry doesnt save

@apmuthu : alright. thanks. there is no correlation between what I did earlier ( adding a field 'memo_' to budget_trans ) to somewhat the disappearance of date_picker.js, is there ?

If so, what might contribute a 404 error ?

*Update : I did purge. However whenever there is a select date From and To. The To will use datepicker but with 'undefined' Month, whereas the value should've been July / August / other months accordingly

code wise, there may be some mini error to 'TransToDate' function ?

from gl_trial_balance.php

<td><input type="text" name="TransToDate" class="date"  size="10" maxlength="12" value="31/07/2018" > 
<a tabindex='-1' href="javascript:date_picker(document.getElementsByName('TransToDate')[0]);">    
<img src='../../themes/default/images/cal.gif' style='vertical-align:middle;padding-bottom:4px;width:16px;height:16px;border:0;' alt='Click Here to Pick up the date'></a>
innovation-driven technology

Re: Budget Entry doesnt save

The en_US-demo.sql has the following error on navigating to Banking and General Ledger => Trial Balance:

The Opening Balance is not in balance, probably due to a non closed Previous Fiscalyear.

This appears to be a false positive as the balances (without zeroes for clarity) do actually tally.

Cannot duplicate your date picker error - is it specific to your choice of date format? The en_US date format seems to work okay.

Post's attachments

FA24_TB_false_positive_error.png 63.6 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

You don't have the permssions to download the attachments of this post.

Re: Budget Entry doesnt save

Yes. I am not sure yet. Only this installation somewhat misbehave ... My other installations seem to be doing fine.

Will post more when I know more

I am using Indonesian's COA btw


innovation-driven technology

Re: Budget Entry doesnt save

This seems to be the same issue with the English Canadian COA.