Topic: Request inclusion of Hindi and Tamil in the Installation Wizard

The Hindi and Tamil install wizard translations have been 100% done for a while now for FA 2.4.x.

Request that it be included into the FA 2.4.x core, now that they have been inducted into the official PKG repo as well.
They are present in my FA24Mods repo too.

The attachment has balance translations done for Arabic (ar_EG) and Vietnamese (vi_VN) as well that you may include after approval from native speakers. Both languages have their core translations 100% done too and updated in my FA24extensions repo.

Post's attachments 47.1 kb, 5 downloads since 2017-11-24 

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Re: Request inclusion of Hindi and Tamil in the Installation Wizard

Where can i find this link in off line mode ? Do I have to every time login on forum and download this link ?

Re: Request inclusion of Hindi and Tamil in the Installation Wizard

Latest Hindi and Tamil inclusions for the install wizard are in the GitHub Master and the session file is at:
see lines 112 and 121.

Any updates to the install wizard will be in my repo's FA24Mods at

Further po translations are on Transifex.