Topic: How can I change Invoice design

Hi everybody,
I could not find how can I change invoice print design..
please help
thank you

Re: How can I change Invoice design

I find.
/reporting/includes/ .... is this true...
but this file is so confusing...
are there any document about which variable is for what?

Re: How can I change Invoice design

It's a part of it. The other part would be:



Re: How can I change Invoice design

Unfortunately there is no documentation for report file structure, however the files are rather simple. Graphical layout for all documents is in, contains strings for various document types and rep107.php fills the layout with invoice data. In 2.3 you can also use preprinted layouts stored in pdf fle.

5 (edited by maximus___ 07/25/2010 09:14:36 am)

Re: How can I change Invoice design

thank you for answers.
I am not a php developer.
If some one is not php developer, it'is too hard to design own invoice. I think, at least, we need an how to document. or its better to design it by build in user interface.

after all, frontaccounting is one of the greatest accounting software. thank you for your works.

Re: How can I change Invoice design

Yes, you are right, not enough flexible reporting is weakness of FA. Unfortunately implementation of good, user friendly report generator is a big task, we still have no enough resources for.

Re: How can I change Invoice design

I saw a report generator in weberp.
Did you examine it?

Re: How can I change Invoice design

No. I have deep aversion to webERP's style of coding, and have not enough time to
rewrite the code to be somewhat maintainable.
We have also some report generator available as an extension module, but this one is not secure enough to  be used in not fully trusted environment. If you trust all your FA users you can use it.


Re: How can I change Invoice design

Was there any progress on this issue?
If not where can I learn more about using "preprinted layouts stored in pdf files" with the invoice printing script?

Thanks in advance,
Claude LaBadie

10 (edited by apmuthu 09/02/2016 10:30:44 am)

Re: How can I change Invoice design

All standard Report form controls are listed in function get_ctrl() in reporting/includes/ and there is no PreFormattedInvoicePDF selection control listed there and hence it needs to be hardcoded into a header file that needs to be included in the actual repXXX (rep107.php for invoice) file. Using TCPDF's background PDF feature will be one possibility.

@itronics: an example of pre-formatted PDF included invoice will be useful.