Topic: How do I record cash payments?

The forms set up only gives facility to set up Bank Payments. And even there, there is no field for cheque numbers.

My question is: If I am paying by cash, and want to have the form reference as CPV (Cash payment Voucher), how do I do that?


Re: How do I record cash payments?

You can always use the reference fields. You can setup these start numbers in Setup tab, forms setup.

You can also use a combination of characters and numbers.


Re: How do I record cash payments?

i can't find "add new" button in [forms setup] page. how to add new entry?

4 (edited by apmuthu 11/05/2015 06:03:17 pm)

Re: How do I record cash payments?

FrontAccounting system transaction types are listed in includes/ and maps onto the labels in the Forms Setup screen. You cannot add new transaction types (except through custom or standard extension modules). Cash Payment Voucher is a type of Bank Transaction. In the said file look up: Bank transaction types:

//        Bank transaction types
define('BT_TRANSFER', 0);
define('BT_CHEQUE', 1);
define('BT_CREDIT', 2);
define('BT_CASH', 3);

Under Banking & General Ledger tab check out the Bank Accounts screen - you will find that petty Cash is a Bank Account.
When setting up a bank account, choose it's type from the the above choices - in your case, it will be Cash account (BT_CASH => 3).
Bank and Cash Vouchers use a same numbering sequence.
Packing List and Delivery Note use another same numbering sequence.