1 (edited by kvvaradha 05/21/2015 11:24:12 am)

Topic: Problem with Manufacturing Auto Increment reference is not working


I had problem with the  Work order auto next reference . So i discovered a solution myself. It may be useful to someone.

open your work_order_db.inc   and find the function "add_work_order" . Here you can see the function like this

$Refs->save(ST_WORKORDER, $woid, $wo_ref);

just replace with the follwing code.

save_next_reference(ST_WORKORDER, $wo_ref+1);

Subscription service based on FA
HRM CRM POS batch Themes

Re: Problem with Manufacturing Auto Increment reference is not working

@joe: include into core?

Re: Problem with Manufacturing Auto Increment reference is not working

I had problem with the  Work order auto next reference.

What was the exact problem you tried to solve?


Re: Problem with Manufacturing Auto Increment reference is not working

Sorry for the delayed response.

Actually there is a function to save next reference number on tAble.  Which will be brought to use automatically  for the next work order.  Here the function is missed to  configure.

Subscription service based on FA
HRM CRM POS batch Themes

Re: Problem with Manufacturing Auto Increment reference is not working

The function save_next_reference defined in includes/db/references_db.inc just saves the given reference to the table without any increment using:

function save_next_reference($type, $reference)
    $sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."sys_types SET next_reference=" . db_escape(trim($reference)) 
        . " WHERE type_id = ".db_escape($type);

    db_query($sql, "The next transaction ref for $type could not be updated");

The above function is called from admin/forms_setup.php to post the form variables just as is into the sys_types table.

The file includes/references.inc has defined the (class references) methods save() and restore_last() which first increment or decrement and then call the above function.

Hence in the file @kvvaradha referred to - manufacturing/includes/db/work_orders_db.inc - the save() method does not need any increment in the argument.

Furthermore, the import_transactions extension has a redundant line 250 in modules/import_transactions/import_transactions.php

           save_next_reference($type, $reference);

Hence nothing needs to be done in the FA codebase for now.