1 (edited by mugeoo 06/19/2015 12:52:12 pm)

Topic: FA for Hotel and Accommondation Industr

Hi, guys i have really studied the structure and functionality of FA, however the Hospitality industry has been left out. The current mudules available are awesome. I would like some one to do the following modifications for this system to be used in Hotels and Restaurants.

1. Customer room bookings (add rooms and Booking form)
2. Food ordering (Kitchen orders, bar orders, bbq orders etc)
3. Waiter, Barman, Cashier,Supervisor, manager access levels
4. Support both touch screens and thermal machines
These are just but a few of the many operations in this industryIt s

anyone interested can contact me so that i can give further directions

Email: mugeoo@gmail.com
Skype: mugeoo

am available online all the time.


Re: FA for Hotel and Accommondation Industr

mugeoo wrote:

1. Customer room bookings (add rooms and Booking form)
2. Food ordering (Kitchen orders, bar orders, bbq orders etc)

Those are very specific tools and not related to accounting as simple Items bought/sold are.

You are probably better or finding a way how to make those systems talk to accouning software.
In really simple terms, when booking/order is complete and ready for invoicing, data is sent to accounting back end for generating invoice and so on. Simple SOA, if you may.

I am not aware frontaccounting has a service "listening" for external input from other applications.

Many of our suppliers are sending out invoices as a specially formatted XML files. I can bulk import those to bank and skip manual entry for payment details. All I need to do is confirm the transfers and I am done.

I wish I could get this data in to frontaccounting smile but I am not a programmer.

Re: FA for Hotel and Accommondation Industr

Read the wiki on REST APIs available for interface with FA.