Topic: Hide Menu options if not authorized

A great feature I have seen in a few other accounting programs is that when a user is restricted in a module that the menu choice for that item or module does not appear when they log-in.

As example, I have a client who needs not manufacturing functions, therefore I have set them as not having access, yet of course they still can see the tab.

Not a need to have feature, but a really, really nice to have one smile

Re: Hide Menu options if not authorized

We have decided to display all menu options regardless they are active or disabled. Hiding inactive menu options is bad practice leading to confusion. Inactive options are disabled anyway.

To remove whole manufacturing tab at all on the FA site you can comment out line 87 in frontacccounting.php file.


Re: Hide Menu options if not authorized


Thanks for the hint on the manufacturing tab.

I am not sure if I agree with your reasons for not displaying a disabled menu item, as I can think of some instances ( I used to do ERP installs for automotive dealerships) where it is more desirable that users not be aware of some of the menu choices.

At any rate, I (and I am sure others) certainly appreciate your speedy and thorough responses on questions or suggestions. It is such a pleasure to discuss issues with the developers.

Re: Hide Menu options if not authorized

Given the nature of this software it appears it should be relatively simple to add a switch in the setup that allows either ghosted menu or hidden menu.  I might look into this, of course if it is notpart of the build, or cannot be externally linked then any change would need to be applied with every update of the software.

5 (edited by bjp99 09/07/2012 08:06:30 pm)

Re: Hide Menu options if not authorized

I was able to hide menu items that were inaccessible by altering the renderer.php file in the theme folder(s).  These changes are intended to keep the HTML out of the page if the user does not have access, not just simply hide them from view.

Also, i added a theme_config.php file to the theme directory to keep the new config option out of the main config file.

I have briefly tested this on FrontAccounting 2.3.11 on a WAMP server.

I think it is valuable to be able to hide menu entries because there might be a user (e.g. employee self service for a HR/Payroll module) that you don't want to see the rest of the system.

I am still learning php, so I am open to suggestions on how to clean up what I have accomplished, etc.   Let me know what you think and if you encounter any errors! Thanks.

Also, it would be nice to be able to define certain security roles that hide inaccessible menus rather than having a simple on/off config option...have not even attempted to figure this out yet.

Here is my theme_config.php file:


/*  Should FA hide menu items (Applications, Modules, and Actions) from the user if they don't have access to them? 
    1 for no       0 for yes

global $show_inaccessible_menu_items;

$show_inaccessible_menu_items = 0;


Here is my modified renderer.php changes are preceded by a //BP:

    Copyright (C) FrontAccounting, LLC.
    Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, GPL, 
    as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 
    of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    See the License here <>.
    //BP include
    include_once (dirname(__FILE__).'/theme_config.php');
    //BP add call
    add_access_extensions();  //had to add this...otherwise errors would go crazy with extension security additions when clicking on functions
    class renderer
        function get_icon($category)
            global  $path_to_root, $show_menu_category_icons;

            if ($show_menu_category_icons)
                $img = $category == '' ? 'right.gif' : $category.'.png';
                $img = 'right.gif';
            return "<img src='$path_to_root/themes/default/images/$img' style='vertical-align:middle;' border='0'>&nbsp;&nbsp;";

        function wa_header()
            page(_($help_context = "Main Menu"), false, true);

        function wa_footer()
            end_page(false, true);

        function menu_header($title, $no_menu, $is_index)
            global $path_to_root, $help_base_url, $db_connections;
            echo "<table class='callout_main' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>\n";
            echo "<tr>\n";
            echo "<td colspan='2' rowspan='2'>\n";

            echo "<table class='main_page' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>\n";
            echo "<tr>\n";
            echo "<td>\n";
            echo "<table width='100%' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>\n";
            echo "<tr>\n";
            echo "<td class='quick_menu'>\n";
            if (!$no_menu)
                $applications = $_SESSION['App']->applications;
                $local_path_to_root = $path_to_root;
                $img = "<img src='$local_path_to_root/themes/default/images/login.gif' width='14' height='14' border='0' alt='"._('Logout')."'>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
                $himg = "<img src='$local_path_to_root/themes/default/images/help.gif' width='14' height='14' border='0' alt='"._('Help')."'>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
                $sel_app = $_SESSION['sel_app'];
                echo "<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width='100%'><tr><td>";
                echo "<div class=tabs>";
                foreach($applications as $app)
                    //BP if stmt
                    if ($this->check_application_access($app))
                        $acc = access_string($app->name);
                        echo "<a class='".($sel_app == $app->id ? 'selected' : 'menu_tab')
                            ."' href='$local_path_to_root/index.php?application=".$app->id
                            ."'$acc[1]>" .$acc[0] . "</a>";
                echo "</div>";
                echo "</td></tr></table>";

                echo "<table class=logoutBar>";
                echo "<tr><td class=headingtext3>" . $db_connections[$_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->company]["name"] . " | " . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . " | " . $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->name . "</td>";
                $indicator = "$path_to_root/themes/".user_theme(). "/images/ajax-loader.gif";
                echo "<td class='logoutBarRight'><img id='ajaxmark' src='$indicator' align='center' style='visibility:hidden;'></td>";
                echo "  <td class='logoutBarRight'><a class='shortcut' href='$path_to_root/admin/display_prefs.php?'>" . _("Preferences") . "</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n";
                echo "  <a class='shortcut' href='$path_to_root/admin/change_current_user_password.php?selected_id=" . $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->username . "'>" . _("Change password") . "</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n";

                if ($help_base_url != null)
                    echo "$himg<a target = '_blank' onclick=" .'"'."javascript:openWindow(this.href,; return false;".'" '. "href='". help_url()."'>" . _("Help") . "</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
                echo "$img<a class='shortcut' href='$local_path_to_root/access/logout.php?'>" . _("Logout") . "</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
                echo "</td></tr><tr><td colspan=3>";
                echo "</td></tr></table>";
            echo "</td></tr></table>";

            if ($no_menu)
                echo "<br>";
            elseif ($title && !$is_index)
                echo "<center><table id='title'><tr><td width='100%' class='titletext'>$title</td>"
                ."<td align=right>"
                .(user_hints() ? "<span id='hints'></span>" : '')

        function menu_footer($no_menu, $is_index)
            global $version, $allow_demo_mode, $app_title, $power_url, 
                $power_by, $path_to_root, $Pagehelp, $Ajax;
            include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/");

            if ($no_menu == false)
                if ($is_index)
                    echo "<table class=bottomBar>\n";
                    echo "<table class=bottomBar2>\n";
                echo "<tr>";
                if (isset($_SESSION['wa_current_user'])) {
                    $phelp = implode('; ', $Pagehelp);
                    echo "<td class=bottomBarCell>" . Today() . " | " . Now() . "</td>\n";
                    $Ajax->addUpdate(true, 'hotkeyshelp', $phelp);
                    echo "<td id='hotkeyshelp'>".$phelp."</td>";
                echo "</tr></table>\n";
            echo "</td></tr></table></td>\n";
            echo "</table>\n";
            if ($no_menu == false)
                echo "<table align='center' id='footer'>\n";
                echo "<tr>\n";
                echo "<td align='center' class='footer'><a target='_blank' href='$power_url' tabindex='-1'><font color='#ffffff'>$app_title $version - " . _("Theme:") . " " . user_theme() . " - ".show_users_online()."</font></a></td>\n";
                echo "</tr>\n";
                echo "<tr>\n";
                echo "<td align='center' class='footer'><a target='_blank' href='$power_url' tabindex='-1'><font color='#ffff00'>$power_by</font></a></td>\n";
                echo "</tr>\n";
                if ($allow_demo_mode==true)
                    echo "<tr>\n";
                    //echo "<td><br><div align='center'><a href='https:/'><img src='https:/;type=5' alt=' Logo' width='210' height='62' border='0' align='middle' /></a></div></td>\n";
                    echo "</tr>\n";
                echo "</table><br><br>\n";

        function display_applications(&$waapp)
            global $path_to_root;

            $selected_app = $waapp->get_selected_application();

            foreach ($selected_app->modules as $module)
                //BP if stmt
                if ($this->check_module_access($module))
                    // image
                    echo "<tr>";
                    // values
                    echo "<td valign='top' class='menu_group'>";
                    echo "<table border=0 width='100%'>";
                    echo "<tr><td class='menu_group'>";
                    echo $module->name;
                    echo "</td></tr><tr>";
                    echo "<td class='menu_group_items'>";

                    foreach ($module->lappfunctions as $appfunction)
                        $img = $this->get_icon($appfunction->category);
                        if ($appfunction->label == "")
                            echo "&nbsp;<br>";
                        elseif ($_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->can_access_page($appfunction->access)) 
                                echo $img.menu_link($appfunction->link, $appfunction->label)."<br>\n";
                                if ($this->check_menu_items_config_option())
                                    echo $img.'<span class="inactive">'
                                        .access_string($appfunction->label, true)
                    echo "</td>";
                    if (sizeof($module->rappfunctions) > 0)
                        echo "<td width='50%' class='menu_group_items'>";
                        foreach ($module->rappfunctions as $appfunction)
                            $img = $this->get_icon($appfunction->category);
                            if ($appfunction->label == "")
                                echo "&nbsp;<br>";
                            elseif ($_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->can_access_page($appfunction->access)) 
                                    echo $img.menu_link($appfunction->link, $appfunction->label)."<br>\n";
                                if ($this->check_menu_items_config_option())
                                    echo $img.'<span class="inactive">'
                                        .access_string($appfunction->label, true)
                        echo "</td>";

                    echo "</tr></table></td></tr>";

            echo "</table>";
        //BP Function
        function check_application_access(&$waapp)
            global $path_to_root;
            if ($this->check_menu_items_config_option())
                return true;
            foreach ($waapp->modules as $module)
                if ($this->check_module_access($module))
                    return true;
            return false;
        //BP Function
        function check_module_access(&$module)
            if ($this->check_menu_items_config_option())
                return true;
            if (sizeof($module->lappfunctions) > 0)
                foreach ($module->lappfunctions as $appfunction)
                    if ($appfunction->label != "" && $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->can_access_page($appfunction->access))
                        return true;
            if (sizeof($module->rappfunctions) > 0)
                foreach ($module->rappfunctions as $appfunction)
                    if ($appfunction->label != "" && $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->can_access_page($appfunction->access))
                        return true;
            return false;
        //BP function
        function check_menu_items_config_option()
            global $show_inaccessible_menu_items;
            if (!isset($show_inaccessible_menu_items))
                echo "<script>alert('not set')</script>";
            if ($show_inaccessible_menu_items)
                return true;
                return false;


Re: Hide Menu options if not authorized

This has been implemented, though has the global variable, $hide_inactive_menu_items, has been placed in config.php, with the backwards compatible value of 0.

HG repository updated.


Re: Hide Menu options if not authorized

Cool, this is actually my first contribution to an open source project....feels good. Thanks for the taking the time to look at it.

Re: Hide Menu options if not authorized

The current variable in the config.php for this functionality is $hide_inaccessible_menu_items. The permissions are set in the report file in the variable $page_security.