Topic: Purchase Order Delivery does not show the Supplier name.

Recently I found one more report issue, The gl_trans table does not store the supplier id.  May be I didn't check the reason much.  But from the GL Accounts Transactions report, the supplier name is missing for GRN rows.

So it can be fixed by just changing it  commit

@joe look into it.

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HRM CRM POS batch Themes

Re: Purchase Order Delivery does not show the Supplier name.

Willdo later.


Re: Purchase Order Delivery does not show the Supplier name.

This has been fixed, both on screen and in report. Committed to stable repo. Thanks @kvvaradha.


Re: Purchase Order Delivery does not show the Supplier name.

The rep704 can be improved by allocating the Dimensions space for the first and Supplier Name columns when no Dimension is chosen for the report.

How does the current commit get supplier_id stored now? It has only removed the redundancy available in lines 149-150 in gl/includes/db/

Negative entries in gl_trans table for [trans_]type=20 (ST_SUPPINVOICE) have always had their person_id populated in it. The [trans_]type=25 (ST_SUPPRECEIVE) still do not populate the person_id field in it. The INSERT statement in line 48 allows such population based on a NOT NULL check of $person_type_id in lines 51 and 61 of gl/includes/db/ Also must such purchase GRNs have such an entry here at all? Only invoices (10, 20) and payments (12, 22) for sales and purchases need and have it.

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Re: Purchase Order Delivery does not show the Supplier name.

Glad to hear.

Subscription service based on FA
HRM CRM POS batch Themes