Topic: Can We Connect FA to remote Database

Is it possible to connect FA to remote Database? I have many companies on my installation but I want only 2 companies to connect to remote database. Is it possible?

Re: Can We Connect FA to remote Database

You can connect it by using the hostname of remote database.  If you are using Cpanel. you can configure the remote Server IP to make it work on.

If you are using plain VPS without cpanels. try with the server ip address instead of the "localhost".

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Re: Can We Connect FA to remote Database

You can also create a SSH tunnel to make the remote DB appear as a local one on a different port.

For a SSH Remote Tunnel visit here, here, here and for CLI visit here.

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Access DB Remotely on SSH Tunnel.pdf 133.1 kb, 12 downloads since 2018-06-28 

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Re: Can We Connect FA to remote Database

If I understand what you're asking, you want one or more companies to be on the local server, and 2 other companies to be on a remote server.

If you look at the config_db.php file, you'll see the connection information and company prefix (tbpref) for each company. As apmuthu pointed out, you could use localhost and a forwarded port to securely access a server on a host using SSH to set up port forwarding. You could also just set the host and port to directly access the remote host.