1 (edited by atpaust 10/29/2013 01:06:55 pm)

Topic: Chinese version of Chart of Accounts are incorrect

I just installed the latest version of FrontAccount 2.3 rc, but I found the Chinese COA provided (or downloaed) is incorrect, for instance in China 1001 is Cash on hand, 1002 Cash in Bank etc, 1801 maintenance fees for entering electicity, phone and so on etci. Is there an easy way for me to import a right one quickly?

Here is the latest version that I believe correct:


顺序号 编号 会计科目名称 会计科目适用范围

1 1001 库存现金
2 1002 银行存款
3 1003 存放中央银行款项 银行专用
4 1011 存放同业 银行专用
5 1015 其它货币基金
6 1021 结算备付金 证券专用
7 1031 存出保证金 金融共用
8 1051 拆出资金 金融共用
9 1101 交易性金融资产
10 1111 买入返售金融资产 金融共用
11 1121 应收票据
12 1122 应收帐款
13 1123 预付帐款
14 1131 应收股利
15 1132 应收利息
16 1211 应收保护储金 保险专用
17 1221 应收代位追偿款 保险专用
18 1222 应收分保帐款 保险专用
19 1223 应收分保未到期责任准备金 保险专用
20 1224 应收分保保险责任准备金 保险专用
21 1231 其它应收款
22 1241 坏帐准备
23 1251 贴现资产 银行专用
24 1301 贷款 银行和保险共用
25 1302 贷款损失准备 银行和保险共用
26 1311 代理兑付证券 银行和保险共用
27 1321 代理业务资产
28 1401 材料采购
29 1402 在途物资
30 1403 原材料
31 1404 材料成本差异
32 1406 库存商品
33 1407 发出商品
34 1410 商品进销差价
35 1411 委托加工物资
36 1412 包装物及低值易耗品
37 1421 消耗性物物资产 农业专用
38 1431 周转材料 建造承包商专用
39 1441 贵金属 银行专用
40 1442 抵债资产 金融共用
41 1451 损余物资 保险专用
42 1461 存货跌价准备
43 1501 待摊费用
44 1511 独立帐户资产 保险专用
45 1521 持有至到期投资
46 1522 持有至到期投资减值准备
47 1523 可供出售金融资产
48 1524 长期股权投资
49 1525 长期股权投资减值准备
50 1526 投资性房地产
51 1531 长期应收款
52 1541 未实现融资收益
53 1551 存出资本保证金 保险专用
54 1601 固定资产
55 1602 累计折旧
56 1603 固定资产减值准备
57 1604 在建工程
58 1605 工程物资
59 1606 固定资产清理
60 1611 融资租赁资产 租赁专用
61 1612 未担保余值 租赁专用
62 1621 生产性生物资产 农业专用
63 1622 生产性生物资产累计折旧 农业专用
64 1623 公益性生物资产 农业专用
65 1631 油气资产 石油天然气开采专用
66 1632 累计折耗 石油天然气开采专用
67 1701 无形资产
68 1702 累计摊销
69 1703 无形资产减值准备
70 1711 商誉
71 1801 长期待摊费用
72 1811 递延所得资产
73 1901 待处理财产损益

74 2001 短期借款
75 2002 存入保证金 金融共用
76 2003 拆入资金 金融共用
77 2004 向中央银行借款 银行专用
78 2011 同业存放 银行专用
79 2012 吸收存款 银行专用
80 2021 贴现负债 银行专用
81 2101 交易性金融负债
82 2111 专出回购金融资产款 金融共用
83 2201 应付票据
84 2202 应付帐款
85 2205 预收帐款
86 2211 应付职工薪酬
87 2221 应交税费
88 2231 应付股利
89 2232 应付利息
90 2241 其他应付款
91 2251 应付保户红利 保险专用
92 2261 应付分保帐款 保险专用
93 2311 代理买卖证券款 证券专用
94 2312 代理承销证券款 证券和银行共用
95 2313 代理兑付证券款 证券和银行共用
96 2314 代理业务负债
97 2401 预提费用
98 2411 预计负债
99 2501 递延收益
100 2601 长期借款
101 2602 长期债券
102 2701 未到期责任准备金 保险专用
103 2702 保险责任准备金 保险专用
104 2711 保户储金 保险专用
105 2721 独立帐户负债 保险专用
106 2801 长期应付款
107 2802 未确认融资费用
108 2811 专项应付款
109 2901 递延所得税负债

110 3001 清算资金往来 银行专用
111 3002 外汇买卖 金融共用
112 3101 衍生工具
113 3201 套期工具
114 3202 被套期项目

115 4001 实收资本
116 4002 资本公积
117 4101 盈余公积
118 4102 一般风险准备 金融共用
119 4103 本年利润
120 4104 利润分配
121 4201 库存股

122 5001 生产成本
123 5101 制造费用
124 5201 劳务成本
125 5301 研发支出
126 5401 工程施工 建造承包商专用
127 5402 工程结算 建造承包商专用
128 5403 机械作业 建造承包商专用

129 6001 主营业务收入
130 6011 利息收入 金融共用
131 6021 手续费收入 金融共用
132 6031 保费收入 保险专用
133 6032 分保费收入 保险专用
135 6041 租赁收入 租赁专用
135 6051 其他业务收入
136 6061 汇兑损益 金融专用
137 6101 公允价值变动损益
138 6111 投资收益
139 6201 摊回保险责任准备金 保险专用
140 6202 摊回赔付支出 保险专用
141 6203 摊回分保费用 保险专用
142 6301 营业外收入
143 6401 主营业务成本
144 6402 其它业务支出
145 6405 营业税金及附加
146 6411 利息支出 金融共用
147 6421 手续费支出 金融共用
148 6501 提取未到期责任准备金 保险专用
149 6502 撮保险责任准备金 保险专用
150 6511 赔付支出 保险专用
151 6521 保户红利支出 保险专用
152 6531 退保金 保险专用
153 6541 分出保费 保险专用
154 6542 分保费用
155 6601 销售费用
156 6602 管理费用
157 6603 财务费用
158 6604 勘探费用
159 6701 资产减值损失
160 6711 营业外支出
161 6801 所得税
162 6901 以前年度损益调整

Re: Chinese version of Chart of Accounts are incorrect

No,not really. But please help us with this new COA by entering the accounts and delete the old ones, or maybe somebody can help us here.


3 (edited by atpaust 10/29/2013 01:21:15 pm)

Re: Chinese version of Chart of Accounts are incorrect

Thank you Joe, for your prompt following-up. I did try to delete all the old chart of accounts from management interface, GL Accounts, but the system refused to delete some of them, saying in the System and GL settings they were some things linked to them. I guess they were linked to some key elements for Reporting purpose.

Re: Chinese version of Chart of Accounts are incorrect

Yes, please enter all the default accounts from the new COA and replace them in the System and GL setup. Then you can delete the old ones.


Re: Chinese version of Chart of Accounts are incorrect

And please share the new COA with us when you are ready. Thanks in advance.


Re: Chinese version of Chart of Accounts are incorrect

Sorry Joe, I only have limited knowledge on bookkeeping as a novice. In fact, I am expecting someone in your group who is much experienced to help.

7 (edited by atpaust 10/31/2013 03:51:20 am)

Re: Chinese version of Chart of Accounts are incorrect

In the Chinese Chart of Accounts, the Account for Account Receivable is 1122, but in the old setting is 1200. After add the 1122 as the Account Receivable 1122, I would need to remove the 1200 Account. But the system seems not allowing to do so:
when I trying to take off the 1200 Account from GL Accounts, the system says: Cannot delete this account because it is used as one of the company default GL accounts, when trying to replace Account 1200 with 1122 in the system default settings in the System and GL setup, the system rejected the changing by saying:

The Retained Earnings Account should be a Balance Account or the Profit and Loss Year Account should be an Expense Account (preferred the last one in the Expense Class)

Is this issue can be fixed by changing the chart account number? Any suggestions?

Re: Chinese version of Chart of Accounts are incorrect

Hi dear, please share your chart of account , i will send you sql file smile

9 (edited by atpaust 10/31/2013 03:20:16 am)

Re: Chinese version of Chart of Accounts are incorrect

Thank you PHPdv, the Chinese version of Chart of Accounts is listed on the beginning of this thread. I would appreciate if you are able to embed it into this application. I also wonder for the service industry, whether some settings can be simplified so that to avoid some error messages during the setting like: The Retained Earnings Account should be a Balance Account or the Profit and Loss Year Account should be an Expense Account (preferred the last one in the Expense Class)

Re: Chinese version of Chart of Accounts are incorrect


Ihave answered your email directly.


11 (edited by atpaust 10/31/2013 11:09:15 am)

Re: Chinese version of Chart of Accounts are incorrect

Thank you Joe. I will check it. Another thought of mine is just to leave it as it is if the main purpose of this software is for using as an ERP, in that case, there is no need to use it as an accounting or bookkeeping one. My one was trying to use it as bookkeeping purpose, as well as for our monthly reports to the Govt authorities.

In regards your saying Ihave sent me an email, I only received an email from Mr PHPdv, and in return I sent him the COA in Excel to him. But it seems he dose not read the Chinese characters, but I hope he does.

Re: Chinese version of Chart of Accounts are incorrect

For those interested in providing the Chinese CoA, the English translation would be:
2013 New Chart of Accounts

No. Name of the sequence number of accounts Accounts Scope

An asset class
11,001 Cash
21,002 Bank deposits
31,003 Bank balances with central banks dedicated
41,011 Due from banks bank-specific
51015 Other Monetary Fund
61021 Private Securities settlement provisions
71,031 Refundable deposits Financial Shared
81,051 Placements with financial shared
91101 -trading financial assets
101,111 resale of financial assets Financial Shared
111,121 Notes receivable
121,122 Receivables
131,123 Prepayments
141,131 Dividends receivable
151,132 Interest receivable
161,211 savings accounts to protect the insurance -specific
171,221 Accounts Insurance Subrogation section dedicated
181,222 Accounts receivable from reinsurers dedicated Insurance
191,223 receivable reinsurance unearned amount that an insurance -specific
201,224 Reinsurers Insurance Private insurance reserves
211,231 Other receivables
221 241 Provision for bad debts
231,251 discounted bank-specific assets
241,301 share lending banks and insurance
251 302 Loan loss provisions banking and insurance shares
261,311 Securities banking and insurance cashing shared
271321 agency business assets
281401 material procurement
291,402 materials in transit
301,403 Raw materials
311,404 Material cost difference
321,406 stock merchandise
331,407 delivered goods
341,410 net price of goods
351411 consigned processing materials
361412 packaging materials and consumables
371,421 expendable barter agricultural assets dedicated
381,431 private contractors working materials, construction
391441 precious bank-specific
401,442 Repossessed assets Financial Shared
411,451 loss goods insured dedicated
421 461 Provision for inventories
431,501 Prepaid expenses
441,511 dedicated separate account assets Insurance
451,521 Held-to -maturity investments
461 522 Impairment of held-to -maturity investments
471 523 Available for sale financial assets
481 524 Long-term equity investments
491 525 Long-term equity investment impairment
501 526 Investment property
511 531 Long-term receivables
521,541 Unearned finance income
531,551 Statutory deposits insured dedicated
541,601 Fixed assets
551,602 Accumulated depreciation
561 603 Impairment of fixed assets
571,604 Construction in progress
581605 Construction materials
591 606 Disposal of fixed assets
601,611 Finance leases Assets leased dedicated
611,612 unguaranteed residual value leasing dedicated
621,621 agricultural productive biological assets dedicated
631,622 Accumulated depreciation of productive agricultural biological assets dedicated
641623 Agricultural dedicated public welfare biological assets
651,631 private oil and gas oil and gas assets
661,632 private oil and gas accumulated depletion
671,701 Intangible Assets
681,702 Accumulated amortization
Impairment of intangible assets 691 703
701,711 Goodwill
711 801 Long-term deferred expenses
721 811 Deferred income assets
731,901 pending loss of property

Second, the debt category
742,001 Short-term borrowings
752,002 Deposits Financial Shared
762,003 Funds borrowed financial shared
772,004 bank dedicated to the Central Bank
782,011 private banks to banks
Bank deposits 792,012 dedicated
802,021 special discounted liabilities Bank
812101 -trading financial liabilities
822 111 Financial assets specifically the financial share buyback
832,201 Notes payable
842,202 Accounts payable
852,205 Receipts in advance
862,211 Accrued payroll
872 221 Taxes payable
882,231 Dividends payable
892,232 Interest payable
902,241 Other payables
912 251 Insurance policyholder dividends payable dedicated
922,261 Accounts payable to reinsurers Insurance dedicated
932,311 private securities brokerage deposits
942,312 securities underwriting agency securities and banking shares
952313 models cashing securities securities and banking shares
962314 agency business liabilities
972,401 Accrued expenses
982,411 Accrued liabilities
992 501 Deferred revenue
1,002,601 Long-term loans
1,012,602 long-term bonds
1,022,701 Unearned payments insurance special
1,032,702 Insurance Private insurance reserves
1042711 Private Insurance policyholders' deposits
Separate account liabilities 1,052,721 Private Insurance
1,062,801 Long-term payables
1072802 unrecognized financing charges
1082811 Special payables
1,092,901 Deferred income tax liabilities

Three common classes
1103001 cleared funds dedicated bankers
1,113,002 Foreign exchange trading in financial shares
1,123,101 Derivatives
1133201 hedging instruments
1143202 hedged item

Fourth, the owners' equity
1,154,001 Paid-in capital
1,164,002 Capital surplus
1,174,101 Surplus reserve
1,184,102 General reserve financial shared
1,194,103 Profit for the year
1,204,104 Profit Distribution
1,214,201 treasury shares

Five , the cost category
1225001 production costs
1,235,101 Manufacturing expenses
1,245,201 labor costs
1,255,301 R & D expenditures
1265401 construction construction contractor dedicated
1,275,402 project settlement construction contractor dedicated
1,285,403 mechanical operations the contractor dedicated

Six , profit or loss category
Income from principal operations 1,296,001
1,306,011 Interest income financial shared
1,316,021 Fee income financial shared
1,326,031 Insurance premiums special
1,336,032 reinsurance premium income of the insurance -specific
1,356,041 Rental income Rental Special
1,356,051 Other operating income
1,366,061 Exchange gains and financial Dedicated
1,376,101 Changes in fair value
1,386,111 Investment income
1,396,201 Reinsurers' share of insurance reserves Private Insurance
1,406,202 Reinsurers' share of claims paid private insurers
1,416,203 Reinsurers' share of special expenses insurance
1,426,301 Non-operating income
1,436,401 Cost of sales
1,446,402 Other operating expenses
1,456,405 Business tax and surcharges
1,466,411 Interest expense finance Shared
1,476,421 Financial Shared Service charges
1,486,501 extract unearned payments insurance special
1496502 summarized Insurance Private insurance reserves
1,506,511 Insurance claims paid special
1516521 Private Insurance Policyholder dividends
1,526,531 Surrenders Insurance dedicated
1,536,541 Insurance premiums ceded dedicated
1546542 reinsurance expenses
1,556,601 Selling expenses
1,566,602 Administrative expenses
1,576,603 Finance costs
1,586,604 Exploration expenses
1,596,701 Asset impairment losses
1,606,711 Non-operating expenses
1,616,801 Income tax
1,626,901 prior period adjustments

Above is from Google Translate and the numbers are to considered as:

1,626,901 => 162    901

Re: Chinese version of Chart of Accounts are incorrect

Dear All,

I am working on it, Will be share in coming week.


Re: Chinese version of Chart of Accounts are incorrect

To avoid confusion, the above Chinese COA actually is from 1001 to 6901, the number 1 -162 is use for identification purpose, it can be ignored.

Re: Chinese version of Chart of Accounts are incorrect

Dear Atpaust,

I am working on your COA provided at start of this thread,and excel file, i found both COA does not as per Financial reporting slandered and very unstructured.

The COA should have five main categories (i.e Level1), and then sub categories(i.e Level2) and if you dont want to go further, then finally last level (i.e level3), here is example for your clarity.

01- Assets---Level1

0101) Fixed asset-- Level2
0101001) Building-- Level3
0101005) vehicles-- Level3

0103) Current Asset-- Level2
0103001) stock-- Level3
0103002) trade debt/receivable-- Level3

02) Liability --Level1
03) Equity/Capital--Level1
04) Expenses/Cost--Level1
05) Income/Revenue-Level1

I am professional accountant so i know the importance of COA in financial accounting system, your all system depended upon COA. I suggest please discussed this with your accountant and spend some more time on this, when you are ready, just send me excel file(preferably with translation).

salman sarwar

Re: Chinese version of Chart of Accounts are incorrect

Dear salman

Thank you for you tips. I will try to get a right answer as soon as possible.

Kind Regards


17 (edited by PHPdv 11/10/2013 09:42:54 am)

Re: Chinese version of Chart of Accounts are incorrect

PM/email if any further help required. smile

Re: Chinese version of Chart of Accounts are incorrect

Hi Salman

Sorry for being so late in reply. But I found there is the link, http://course.shufe.edu.cn/jpkc/jckj/flfg/kmb.htm for the chart of accounts for manufactures in Chinese for China.

Let me know if you would need any other information.

Kind Regards


Re: Chinese version of Chart of Accounts are incorrect

That's chart of Account is not completed too smile. However if you need that, please send my in excel