Topic: Email Client name in Invoice sending displayed wrong

When sending an email to a client, the email would only contain the client's surname in the client address for example:

Dear "Surname" or "Last Name", instead of First Name or Full name. Only $contact['name2'] was displayed.

Would be nice to have some way of choosing the way a client is addressed in the email or at least use the full name.

Resolved the issue by changing line 1006 in

Changed contact details to:

$contact['name'].' '.$contact['name2']



2 (edited by apmuthu 09/04/2013 01:53:36 am)

Re: Email Client name in Invoice sending displayed wrong

Joe, kindly change this in code to show it when $contact['name2'] is not empty. Possibly with a config variable if needed.

Re: Email Client name in Invoice sending displayed wrong

Will do.


Re: Email Client name in Invoice sending displayed wrong

Whether first name, last name or both, as well as the names order strictly depends on local habits. IMHO the only sensible way to fix this problem in FA is providing mail templates in FA.

Re: Email Client name in Invoice sending displayed wrong

We will wait until 2.4 with this change.


Re: Email Client name in Invoice sending displayed wrong

seahawk wrote:

When sending an email to a client, the email would only contain the client's surname in the client address for example:

Dear "Surname" or "Last Name", instead of First Name or Full name. Only $contact['name2'] was displayed.

Would be nice to have some way of choosing the way a client is addressed in the email or at least use the full name.

Resolved the issue by changing line 1006 in

Changed contact details to:

$contact['name'].' '.$contact['name2']


The other way is to fill the customer information with what you want to be displayed in the email.


Re: Email Client name in Invoice sending displayed wrong

Wiki-ed it.