1 (edited by vipsoft 09/23/2008 05:25:59 am)

Topic: 2.0.1: _SESSION variable

First, there's a "caution" listed in the PHP documentation that advises against mixing _SESSION usage with session_register(), session_is_registered(), and session_unregister().


Second, I think it would be a wise idea to use a namespace for FA's global variables.  I ran into some anomalous behaviour which I now attribute to being a conflict between FA and WebERP running on the same server and evaluating both systems concurrently in separate tabs of a single browser instance.

Consider:  http://codeigniter.com/wiki/PHPSession
or: http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zen … usage.html

Re: 2.0.1: _SESSION variable

You are right, the session_register calls are long lasting relicts from earlier FA versions. We have no complains about it, but yes they should be removed accorrding to php manual.
Regarding the second issue it was just removed using session_name(). Fix in CVS to be released with 2.0.2.

Thank you for your testing effort.