1 (edited by alex 03/27/2008 03:23:33 pm)

Topic: Error upon entering journal entry

- Banking and General Ledger >> Transactions >> Journal Entry: when entering a Debit amount (say 10,000 for account 1400), the Credit cell keeps filling automatically with "0.00". Then, when pressing "Add Item" line, we receive an error message: "You must enter either a debit amount or a credit amount."
I figured out that either Debit or Credit cells must be empty. Shouldn't the "0.00" value be considered the same way? Otherwise it's annoying to keep setting the unused Debit or Credt cell to blank.


Alex Saavedra

Re: Error upon entering journal entry

Hi Alex,
Fixed in CVS unstable. I've overlooked conflict between field autoformatting and entry data checks you found.
Anyway entered data is presented in traditional way with one site empty which makes checking easier.

